Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 6XX >> 630

630 - Subject Added Entry-Uniform Title (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2007

First Indicator
Nonfiling characters
0-9 - Number of nonfiling characters

Second Indicator
0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings
1 - LC subject headings for children's literature
2 - Medical Subject Headings
3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
4 - Source not specified
5 - Canadian Subject Headings
6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
7 - Source specified in subfield $2

Subfield Codes
$a - Uniform title (NR)
$d - Date of treaty signing (R)
$e - Relator term (R)
$f - Date of a work (NR)
$g - Miscellaneous information (NR)
$h - Medium (NR)
$k - Form subheading (R)
$l - Language of a work (NR)
$m - Medium of performance for music (R)
$n - Number of part/section of a work (R)
$o - Arranged statement for music (NR)
$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
$r - Key for music (NR)
$s - Version (NR)
$t - Title of a work (NR)
$v - Form subdivision (R)
$x - General subdivision (R)
$y - Chronological subdivision (R)
$z - Geographic subdivision (R)
$0 - Authority record control number (R)
$2 - Source of heading or term (NR)
$3 - Materials specified (NR)
$4 - Relator code (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Subject added entry in which the entry element is a uniform title.

Subject added entries are assigned to a bibliographic record to provide access according to established subject cataloging principles and guidelines. Field 630 may be used by any institution assigning subject headings based on the lists and authority files identified in the second indicator position or in subfield $2 (Source of heading or term).

Title used in phrase subject headings (e.g., Bible and atheism) is contained in field 650 (Subject Added Entry-Topical Term).


Description of the first indicator position and all subfield codes, as well as input conventions for the 630 field are given in the X30 Uniform Titles-General Information section. Because the second indicator is different for various fields, it is not described in the general information section, but is described below.


Second Indicator - Thesaurus
Subject heading system or thesaurus used in constructing the subject heading.
0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings
Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Name authority files that are maintained by the Library of Congress.Conforms to LCSH is defined as:
  • headings (or headings and subdivisions) found in the LC authority files (including name authorities), or in the latest edition of LCSH, including the latest microfiche, printed version, CD-ROM, and supplements;
  • headings constructed following AACR2;
  • headings found in the LC authority files, the latest edition of LCSH, or constructed following AACR2 to which is added a free-floating or regular subdivision according to the rules stated in the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings, particularly subdivisions listed in the pattern lists, and geographic subdivisions formulated and applied according to the rules in the manual;
1 - LC subject headings for children's literature
Subject added entry conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of the Library of Congress Subject Headings and is appropriate for use in the LC Annotated Card Program.
2 - Medical Subject Headings
Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the National Library of Medicine authority files.
3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the National Agricultural Library subject authority file.
4 - Source not specified
Subject added entry conforms to a controlled list that cannot be identified by second indicator values 0-3, 5-6 or by a code in subfield $2.Field 653 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) is used to record terms that are not derived from controlled subject heading lists.
5 - Canadian Subject Headings
Subject added entry conforms to and is appropriate for use in the Canadian Subject Headings that is maintained by the Library and Archives Canada.
6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
Subject added entry conforms to the Répertoire de vedettes-matière that is maintained by the Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval.
7 - Source specified in subfield $2
Subject added entry conforms to a set of subject heading system/thesaurus building rules. The identifying code is given in subfield $2.


630 00$aBible.$lEnglish$xVersions.
630 00$aTalmud$xTheology.
630 00$aBerliner revue$xHistory$y20th century.
630 00$aUkrainian weekly$vIndexes$vPeriodicals.
630 05$aStudio magazine.$pContemporary paintings$vPeriodicals.
630 00$aBible.$pN.T.$pRomans$xGeography$vMaps.
630 00$aBible.$kManuscripts.$lLatin.$pN.T.
630 00$aMS-DOS (Computer file)
630 00$aFour seasons (Motion picture : 1981)
630 00$aDomesday book,$edepicted.
[Photo of the Domesday book.]
630 00$aFarnese Hours,$edepicted.


Display Constants
- [dash associated with the content of subfield $v, $x, $y, and $z]
Dash (-) that precedes a subdivision in an extended 630 subject heading is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the content of subfield $v, $x, $y, and $z.
Content designated field:
630 00$aBeowulf$xLanguage$vGlossaries, etc.
Display example: 
Beowulf-Language-Glossaries, etc.

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