Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 01X-09X >> 083

083 - Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2008

First Indicator
Type of edition
0 - Full edition
1 - Abridged edition

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Classification number (R)
$c - Classification number--Ending number of span (R)
$m - Standard or optional designation (NR)
$q - Assigning agency (NR)
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R)
$z - Table identification (R)
$2 - Edition number (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Classification number used for subject access. It is taken from Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, the Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, and electronic updates to either edition. Through 1997, updates where issued in DC& Dewey Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions.



First Indicator - Type of edition
Designates whether the classification number is from the full or the abridged edition of the classification schedules. The actual edition number is contained in subfield $2.
0 - Full edition
Class number was taken from the full edition.
082 04$a388.13$222
083 0#$z2$a4947 $222
For a book on tunnels in the Swiss Alps. The Dewey number 388.13 is used for interdisciplinary works on tunnels, but the number itself is broader, covering a variety of special road features. Consequently, geographic area notation cannot be added to the primary number in field 082. Field 083 contains the geographic area notation from Table 2 for the Swiss Alps.
1 - Abridged edition
Class number was taken from the abridged edition.
Second Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$a - Classification number
Additional classification number applied to the resource, which could be used for subject access in addition to the primary classification number assigned.
082 04$a599.0994$222
083 0#$a598.0994$222
083 0#$z2$a94 $222
For a book on Australian birds and mammals. The Dewey number 599 is used for works on mammals and for comprehensive works on birds and mammals. The rest of the primary number in field 082 consists of 09 Geographic treatment from Table 1 and 94 Australia from Table 2. There is no way to tell from this number whether the book contains information about birds or not. The Dewey number 598 in the first 083 field means birds, and the full number means birds in Australia. The second 083 field has the Table 2 area number for Australia; it is intended to help users seeking everything about Australia.
$c - Classification number--Ending number of span
Ending number of a number span when the beginning number of the span is contained in subfield $a.
$m - Standard or optional designation
Designates whether the classification number contained in the field is from the standard or optional part of the schedules or tables of the scheme identified by the first indicator (Type of edition) and by subfield $2 (Edition number). The following codes are used: a (standard) and b (optional).
$q - Assigning agency
MARC organization code of the institution that assigned the classification number. Code from: MARC Code List for Organizations.
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table
Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification subarrangement or add table. If the first or only add table found at a classification number is the number 1, and succeeding integers are used for any following add tables found at that number.
$z - Table identification
Number of the table from which the classification number in a subdivision record is taken. Subfield $z always precedes the associated subfield $a in the field.
$2 - Edition number
Number of the edition of the Dewey classification schedules from which the classification was assigned.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Spacing - Lowercase "s" (for series) is separated from the number by one space.
Display Constant
[ ... ] [brackets]
Square brackets enclosing a DDC number that appear on printed products are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as a display constant associated with the field tag.
Standard or optional designation - If subfield $m is present, only one subfield $a should be coded, unless the value in subfield $m applies to all numbers in repeated occurrences of subfield $a. Otherwise, the field is repeated.

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