Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> National Level Requirements >> Control Fields

MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data

National Level Full and Minimal Requirements

Control Fields

1999 Edition
Update No. 1 (October 2001) through Update No. 8 (October 2007)

                                                 National  Minimal
                                                  Level     Level

001 CONTROL NUMBER                                   M        M

003 CONTROL NUMBER IDENTIFIER                        M        M


006 FIXED-LENGTH DATA ELEMENTS ADDITIONAL            O        .               

007 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION FIXED FIELD                 O        . 

007-Map                                              O        . 
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        .                 
    02    Undefined                                  O        .
    03    Color                                      O        .
    04    Physical medium                            O        .
    05    Type of reproduction                       O        .
    06    Production/reproduction details            O        .
    07    Positive/negative aspect                   O        .

007-Electronic resource                              A        .               
    00    Category of material                       M        .
    01    Specific material designation              M        .
    02    Undefined                                  O        .
    03    Color                                      O        .
    04    Dimensions                                 O        .
    05    Sound                                      O        .
    06-08 Image bit depth                            O        .
    09    File formats                               O        .
    10    Quality assurance targets                  O        .
    11    Antecedent/source                          O        .
    12    Level of compression                       O        .
    13    Reformatting quality                       O        .
007-Globe                                            O        .
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03    Color                                      O        . 
    04    Physical medium                            O        . 
    05    Type of reproduction                       O        . 

007-Tactile Material                                 O        . 
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        .  
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03-04 Class of braille writing                   O        .
    05    Level of contraction                       O        . 
    06-08 Braille music format                       O        .
    09    Special physical characteristics           O        .  

007-Projected graphic                                O        .     
    00    Category of material                       M        .
    01    Specific material designation              M        .
    02    Undefined                                  O        .
    03    Color                                      O        .
    04    Base of emulsion                           O        .
    05    Sound on medium or separate                O        .
    06    Medium for sound                           O        .
    07    Dimensions                                 O        .
    08    Secondary support material                 O        .

007-Microform                                        A        .                
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03    Positive/negative aspect                   O        . 
    04    Dimensions                                 O        .
    05    Reduction ratio range                      O        . 
    06-08 Reduction ratio                            O        .
    09    Color                                      O        . 
    10    Emulsion on film                           O        . 
    11    Generation                                 O        . 
    12    Base of film                               O        . 
007-Nonprojected graphic                             O        .                 
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03    Color                                      O        .
    04    Primary support material                   O        .   
    05    Secondary support material                 O        . 

007-Motion picture                                   O        .                 
    00    Category of material                       M        .              
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03    Color                                      O        . 
    04    Motion picture presentation format         O        .
    05    Sound on medium or separate                O        .
    06    Medium for sound                           O        . 
    07    Dimensions                                 O        . 
    08    Configuration of playback channels         O        .
    09    Production elements                        O        . 
    10    Positive/negative aspect                   O        . 
    11    Generation                                 O        . 
    12    Base of film                               O        . 
    13    Refined categories of color                O        . 
    14    Kind of color stock or print               O        . 
    15    Deterioration stage                        O        . 
    16    Completeness                               O        . 
    17-22 Film inspection date                       O        . 

007-Kit                                              O        .                 
    00    Category of Material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 

007-Notated music                                    O        . 
    00    Category of material                       M        .  
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 

007-Remote-sensing image                             O        . 
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03    Altitude of sensor                         O        . 
    04    Attitude of sensor                         O        .  
    05    Cloud cover                                O        . 
    06    Platform construction type                 O        . 
    07    Platform use category                      O        . 
    08    Sensor type                                O        .
    09-10 Data type                                  O        .    
007-Sound recording                                  O        .                
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 
    02    Undefined                                  O        . 
    03    Speed                                      O        . 
    04    Configuration of playback channels         O        .
    05    Groove width/groove pitch                  O        . 
    06    Dimensions                                 O        .
    07    Tape width                                 O        . 
    08    Tape configuration                         O        . 
    09    Kind of disc, cylinder, or tape            O        . 
    10    Kind of material                           O        . 
    11    Kind of cutting                            O        . 
    12    Special playback characteristics           O        . 
    13    Capture and storage technique              O        . 

007-Text                                             O        .
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 

007-Videorecording                                   O        . 
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        .                 
    02    Undefined                                  O        .                 
    03    Color                                      O        .                 
    04    Videorecording format                      O        .                 
    05    Sound on medium or separate                O        .                 
    06    Medium for sound                           O        .                 
    07    Dimensions                                 O        .                 
    08    Configuration of playback channels         O        .    

007-Unspecified                                      O        .                 
    00    Category of material                       M        . 
    01    Specific material designation              M        . 

008-FIXED-LENGTH DATA ELEMENTS                       M        M

008-All material types
    00-05 Date entered on file                       M        M
    06    Type of date/Publication status            M        .
    07-10 Date 1                                     M        .         
    11-14 Date 2                                     M        .
    15-17 Place of publication, production,          M        .
          or execution          
    35-37 Language                                   M        M
    38    Modified record                            M        .
    39    Cataloging source                          M        M

    18-21 Illustrations                              O        .        
    22    Target audience                            M        .
    23    Form of item                               M        .
    24-27 Nature of contents                         O        .
    28    Government publication                     M        .
    29    Conference publication                     O        .
    30    Festschrift                                O        .
    31    Index                                      O        .
    32    Undefined                                  O        .
    33    Literary form                              M        .
    34    Biography                                  M        .

008-Computer files
    18-21 Undefined                                  O        .        
    22    Target audience                            O        .
    23-25 Undefined                                  O        .
    26    Type of computer file                      M        .
    28    Government publication                     M        .
    29-34 Undefined                                  O        .

    18-21 Relief                                     O        .        
    22-23 Projection                                 O        .
    24    Undefined                                  O        .
    25    Type of cartographic material              M        M
    26-27 Undefined                                  O        .
    28    Government publication                     M        .
    29    Form of item                               M        .
    30    Undefined                                  O        .
    31    Index                                      O        .
    32    Undefined                                  O        .
    33-34 Special format characteristics             M        .

    18-19 Form of composition                        O        .        
    20    Format of music                            M        M
    21    Music parts                                O        .
    22    Target audience                            O        .
    23    Form of item                               M        .
    24-29 Accompanying matter                        M        .
    30-31 Literary text for sound recordings         M        .
    32    Undefined                                  O        .
    33    Transposition and arrangement              O        .
    34    Undefined                                  O        .

008-Continuing resources
    18    Frequency                                  M        .
    19    Regularity                                 M        .
    20    ISSN center                                O        .
    21    Type of integrating resource               M        .
    22    Form of original item                      O        .
    23    Form of item                               M        .
    24    Nature of entire work                      O        .
    25-27 Nature of contents                         O        .
    28    Government publication                     M        .
    29    Conference publication                     O        .
    30-32 Undefined                                  O        .
    33    Original alphabet or script of title       O        .
    34    Entry convention                           M        M

008-Visual materials
    18-20 Running time for motion pictures           M        .
          and videorecordings
    21    Undefined                                  O        .        
    22    Target audience                            O        .
    23-27 Undefined                                  O        .
    28    Government publication                     M        .
    29    Form of item                               M        .
    30-32 Undefined                                  O        .
    33    Type of visual material                    M        M
    34    Technique                                  M        .

008-Mixed materials      
    18-22 Undefined                                  O        .        
    23    Form of item                               M        .
    24-34 Undefined                                  O        .

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