Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 841-88X >> 886

886 - Foreign MARC Information Field (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2001

First Indicator
Type of field
0 - Leader
1 - Variable control fields (002-009)
2 - Variable data fields (010-999)

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Tag of the foreign MARC field (NR)
$b - Content of the foreign MARC field (NR)
$2 - Source of data (NR)
$a-z - Foreign MARC subfield (R)
$0-9 - Foreign MARC subfield (R)


Used when converting foreign MARC records into the MARC format. Contains data from a foreign MARC record for which there is no corresponding MARC field.



First Indicator - Type of field
Type of foreign MARC field from which the data is converted.
0 - Leader
Information is from the foreign MARC Leader.
886 0#$2intermrc$b00860nambb6200206###4500
[Leader from an INTERMARC record.]
1 - Variable control fields (002-009)
Information is from a foreign MARC variable control field.
886 1#$2intermrc$a004$b10000a90001
2 - Variable data fields (010-999)
Information is from a foreign MARC variable data field.
886 2#$2ibermarc$a019$b##$aVG 586-1992
Second Indicator - Undefined
Contains a blank (#).


$a - Tag of the foreign MARC field
Three-character tag number (002-999) as designated in the foreign MARC record.
Not present when the first indicator value is 0 (Leader). When it is present, subfield $a is the second subfield in the field, immediately before subfield $b.
886 2#$2unimrur$a709$b1#$aNapalkov (Litvak), Vladimir Nikolaevich: sm.
$b - Content of the foreign MARC field
Either the twenty-four characters of the Leader, the entire content of the foreign MARC variable control field (002-009), or the entire content, including indicators, subfield codes, and data, of the foreign MARC variable data field (010-999).
886 2#$2ukmarc$a690$b00$a00030$dGreat Britain$z11030$abutterflies$z21030$alife cycles
[Tag 690 (PRECIS string) from UK MARC record.]
$2 - Source of data
MARC code for the foreign MARC format from which the record is converted. Must be first subfield in the field. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions.
Must be the first subfield in the field.
886 1#$2intermrc$a004$b10000a90001
[Tag 004 (Corrected Fields) from an INTERMARC record.]
$a-z - Foreign MARC subfield
These subfields and their content are those present in the original foreign MARC field, after being prefaced with subfields $2, $a, and $b as defined above. Note that these subfields are only used when the first indicator is value 2.
See examples as found under the descriptions of subfields $a and $b.
$0-9 - Foreign MARC subfield
These subfields and their content are those present in the original foreign MARC field, after being prefaced with subfields $2, $a, and $b as defined above. Note that these subfields are only used when the first indicator is value 2.
See examples as found under the descriptions of subfields $a and $b.


Indicator 1 - Undefined [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]

$b - Content of the foreign MARC Leader [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
$c - Content of the foreign MARC control fields 002-009 [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
$d - Content designators and data elements of the foreign MARC variable fields 010-999 [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]

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