Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 6XX >> 658

658 - Index Term-Curriculum Objective (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
February 1999

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Main curriculum objective (NR)
$b - Subordinate curriculum objective (R)
$c - Curriculum code (NR)
$d - Correlation factor (NR)
$2 - Source of term or code (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Index terms denoting curriculum or course-of-study objectives applicable to the content of the described materials. The field may also contain correlation factors indicating the degree to which the described materials meet an objective. Codes assigned to specific objectives in published lists are also recorded in this field.

Curriculum objectives, curriculum codes, and correlation factors recorded in this field come from standard published lists and the list is identified in subfield $2 (Source of term).




$a - Main curriculum objective
Term denoting the main curriculum or course-of-study objective.
658 ##$aReading objective 1 (fictional)$bunderstanding language, elements of plots, themes, motives, characters, setting by responding to the multiple-meaning word$cNRPO2-1991$dhighly correlated.$2ohco
658 ##$aMath manipulatives$dhighly correlated.$2[source code]
$b - Subordinate curriculum objective
Curriculum objective that is subordinate to the main objective recorded in subfield $a. Generally, objectives recorded in subfield $b are more specific or facets of the main objective. Subfield $b may be repeated to isolate facets.
658 ##$aHealth objective 4$bhandicapped impaired education$dhighly correlated$cNHPO4-1991.$2ohco
658 ##$aDrug abuse awareness$bpeer pressure$bunderstanding the law.$2local
$c - Curriculum code
Coded representation of the curriculum objective recorded in subfield $a and, if applicable, subfield $b.
Recorded following the last part of the curriculum objective, i.e., after subfield $a, or subfield $b if present.
658 ##$aHealth objective 1$bhandicapped awareness$cNHP01-1991$dhighly correlated.$2ohco
$d - Correlation factor
Statement that identifies the degree to which the described materials correlate to the curriculum objective recorded in the field.
Most common correlation factors recorded in subfield $d are: slightly correlated, moderately correlated, and highly correlated.
658 ##$aMath objective 2$bfractions, decimals, percents, whole numbers, integers$cNRPO2-1991$dslightly correlated.$2ohco
$2 - Source of term or code
MARC code that identifies the source list from which the index term or code was assigned. Code from: MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions.
658 ##$aReading objective 1$bidentify, locate, and use information$cNRP01-1991.$2accssd
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Subfield preceding subfield $2 in field 658 ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis. Punctuation is generally not included between the parts of the curriculum objective and related curriculum codes and correlation factors.
Display Constants
: [colon associated with the content of subfield $b]
[ ... ] [square brackets associated with the content of subfield $c]
- [dash associated with the content of subfield $d]
Colon (:) that precedes a subordinate curriculum objective, square brackets that enclose the curriculum code, and dash (-) that precedes the correlation factor are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as a display constant associated with the content of subfields $b, $c, and $d.
Content designated field :
658 ##$aHealth objective 1$bhandicapped awareness$cNHP01-1991$dhighly correlated.$2ohco
Display example: 
Health objective 1: handicapped awareness [NHP01-1991]-highly correlated.

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