Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 006

006 - Fixed-Length Data Elements-Additional Material

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2003

Indicators and Subfield Codes
Field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined by form of material. Forms of material are listed in the same order that they appear in field 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements). Refer to the corresponding positions (18-34) in field 008 for descriptions of field 006 character positions 01-17.

Character Positions
00 - Form of material
01-04 - Illustrations
05 - Target audience
06 - Form of item
07-10 - Nature of contents
11 - Government publication
12 - Conference publication
13 - Festschrift
14 - Index
15 - Undefined
16 - Literary form
17 - Biography

Computer files/Electronic resources
00 - Form of material
01-04 - Undefined
05 - Target audience
06-08 - Undefined
09 - Type of computer file
10 - Undefined
11 - Government publication
12-17 - Undefined

00 - Form of material
01-04 - Relief
05-06 - Projection
07 - Undefined
08 - Type of cartographic material
09-10 - Undefined
11 - Government publication
12 - Form of item
13 - Undefined
14 - Index
15 - Undefined
16-17 - Special format characteristics

Mixed materials
00 - Form of material
01-05 - Undefined
06 - Form of item
07-17 - Undefined


00 - Form of material
01-02 - Form of composition
03 - Format of music
04 - Music parts
05 - Target audience
06 - Form of item
07-12 - Accompanying matter
13-14 - Literary text for sound recordings
15 - Undefined
16 - Transposition and arrangement
17 - Undefined

Continuing resources
00 - Form of material
01 - Frequency
02 - Regularity
03 - Undefined
04 - Type of continuing resource
05 - Form of original item
06 - Form of item
07 - Nature of entire work
08-10 - Nature of contents
11 - Government publication
12 - Conference publication
13-15 - Undefined
16 - Original alphabet or script of title
17 - Entry convention

Visual materials
00 - Form of material
01-03 - Running time
04 - Undefined
05 - Target audience
06-10 - Undefined
11 - Government publication
12 - Form of item
13-15 - Undefined
16 - Type of visual material
17 - Technique


Eighteen character positions (00-17) that provide for coding information about special aspects of the item being cataloged that cannot be coded in field 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements). It is used in cases when an item has multiple characteristics (e.g., printed material with an accompanying cassette or a map that is issued serially) and to record the coded serial aspects of nontextual continuing resources.

It is also used to record the coded computer file aspects of electronic items coded in Leader/06 as something other than code m. The fixed-length data elements defined for field 006, like the corresponding field 008 data elements, are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes.

Field has a generic tree structure, whereby the code given in 006/00 (Form of material) determines the data elements defined for subsequent character positions. Except for code s (Serial/Integrating resource), the codes in field 006/00 correspond to those in Leader/06 (Type of record). For each occurrence of field 006, the codes defined for character positions 01-17 will be the same as those defined in the corresponding field 008, character positions 18-34. Configurations of field 006 are given in the following order: books, computer files/electronic resources, maps, music, continuing resources, visual materials, and mixed materials.


Data elements in field 006 are positionally defined. Character position 00 contains a code that identifies a form of material. The fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. The fill character may be used in any other character position when the cataloging agency makes no attempt to code the position.

Only character position 00 is described in this section. The other character positions are described in the corresponding field 008 (Fixed-Length Data Elements) position descriptions. In all cases, field 006 positions 01-17 relate to positions 18-34 in one of the field 008 configurations. The relationship between field 006/00 (Form of material) codes and field 008 configurations is indicated below.

Field 006/00 - Form of material Field 008/18-34 configuration
a - Language material Books
c - Notated music Music
d - Manuscript notated music Music
e - Cartographic material Maps
f - Manuscript cartographic material Maps
g - Projected medium Visual Materials
i - Nonmusical sound recording Music
j - Musical sound recording Music
k - Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic Visual Materials
m - Computer file/Electronic resource Computer Files
o - Kit Visual Materials
p - Mixed material Mixed Materials
r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object Visual Materials
s - Serial/Integrating resource Continuing Resources
t - Manuscript language material Books

CODES FOR 006/00

a - Language material
Coded data elements relating to nonserial language material.
c - Notated music
Coded data elements relating to notated music.
d - Manuscript notated music
Coded data elements relating to manuscript notated music.
e - Cartographic material
Coded data elements relating to nonmanuscript cartographic material.
f - Manuscript cartographic material
Coded data elements relating to manuscript cartographic material.
g - Projected medium
Coded data elements relating to a projected medium.
i - Nonmusical sound recording
Coded data elements relating to a nonmusical sound recording.
j - Musical sound recording
Coded data elements relating to a musical sound recording.
k - Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
Coded data elements relating to a two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic.
m - Computer file/Electronic resource
Coded data elements relating to either a computer file or an electronic resource in form.
o - Kit
Coded data elements relating to a kit.
p - Mixed material
Coded data elements relating to mixed material.
r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object
Coded data elements relating to a three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object.
s - Serial/Integrating resource
Coded data elements relating to the control aspects of a non-printed continuing resource. For serially-controlled printed language material, field 008 is used.
t - Manuscript language material
Coded data elements relating to manuscript language material.


Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase.


In 2002, the Computer Files 006 field was renamed "Computer Files/Electronic Resources." The Serials 006 field was renamed "Continuing Resources."

006/00 - Form of material

m - Computer file [RENAMED, 2002]

s - Serial [RENAMED, 2002]

006/01 - Frequency (SE)

k - Continuously updated [NEW, 2001]

006/03 - ISSN Center (SE)

2 - United Kingdom [NEW, 2002]

006/03 - ISSN Center (CR) [OBSOLETE, 2003]

006/04 - Music parts (MU) [NEW, 2002]

006/04 - Type of serial (SE) [REDEFINED, 2001]
Renamed as Type of continuing resource to include integrating resources.

d - Updating database [NEW, 2001]

l - Updating loose-leaf [NEW, 2001]

w - Updating Web site [NEW, 2001]

006/05 - Target audience (BK, CF, MU, VM)

c - Elementary and junior high [RENAMED, 2002]

d - Senior high [RENAMED, 2002]

006/07 - Nature of entire work (SE)

u - Standards/specifications [NEW, 2002]

006/07-10 - Nature of contents (BK)

u - Standards/specifications [NEW, 2002]

006/08-10 - Nature of contents (SE)

u - Standards/specifications [NEW, 2002]

006/16 - Transposition and arrangement (MU) [NEW, 2002]

006/17 - Successive/latest entry (SE)
Renamed Entry convention in 2001 to accommodate the integrating entry convention.

2 - Integrating entry [NEW, 2001]

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