Summer 2007   

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Published in Spring 2001

David Anderson elected President of UNEP’s Governing Council


Canada's Environment Minister David Anderson was elected President of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at its 21st Session in February 2001. The Council promotes international cooperation, recommends environmental policies and guides the United Nations' environmental programs. As the Council's President, Mr. Anderson will guide discussions among environment leaders from around the world as they negotiate agreements to address global environmental problems.

David Anderson
One of the major events during his two-year term will be the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, which marks the tenth anniversary of the first UNCED meeting or "Earth Summit," held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

Mr. Anderson has been Canada's Minister of the Environment since August 1999. In his prior appointment as Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, he was recognized internationally for his work in conserving salmon populations and for establishing Canada's first Marine Protected Area. He has also served as Minister of Transport and Minister of National Revenue.

Mr. Anderson is Canada's representative on CEC's Council of Ministers with his counterparts Victor Lichtinger, Mexico's Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources and Christine Whitman, Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency.


Related web resources

21st Session of UNEP's Governing Council

21st Session of the UNEP's Governing Council (IISD coverage)

Earth Summit 2002

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   Created on: 06/10/2000     Last Updated: 21/06/2007
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