Summer 2007   

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Published in Winter 2004-2005

Highlights of 2004 publications


North American Power Plant Air Emissions
Published: 11 January 2005
93 pages

This report represents a milestone in promoting cooperation in North America through the collection, exchange, and public dissemination of comparable environmental information by Canada, Mexico and the United States. The report presents, for the first time, specific air pollutant information from 2002 for individual fossil fuel–fired power plants across North America. This information will assist air quality planners, energy analysts, and the public to garner a greater understanding of the environmental performance of the electricity generating sector on a continental scale. This includes a clearer picture of how the environmental performance of individual power plants in each country compares in terms of the pollutants released to the atmosphere, whether regional differences exist in emissions levels, and if there are clusters of high-emitting facilities that may contribute to downwind pollution transport, including across international borders.

Maize and Biodiversity: The Effects of Transgenic Maize in Mexico—Key Findings and Recommendations
Published: 8 November 2004
52 pages

This CEC Secretariat report comprises key findings and recommendations to the CEC Council concerning maize and genetic diversity in Mexico. In April 2002, the CEC was petitioned by 21 indigenous communities in Oaxaca and three Mexican environmental groups. They urged an analysis of the impacts of transgenic introgression into landraces of maize in Mexico. This issue was considered of great potential environmental importance, given that Mexico is a center of origin and diversity for maize and that maize is so intrinsically linked to Mexican culture, especially that of Mexican indigenous groups.

Silence is Golden, Leaden and Copper: of Material Environmental Information in the North American Hard Rock Mining Industry (Executive Summary)
By Robert Repetto
Published: 5 November 2004
40 pages

Building on a decade of work by UNEP and OECD, among others, the CEC’s work on finance and the environment focuses on exploring established and innovative ways of involving the financial service sector in the environmental agenda. Such involvement takes various forms. It can include greater awareness among credit-risk managers about environment risks and liabilities, interest among investors about opportunities in the environmental area, and more specific project finance opportunities involving the environment.

Linking Environmental Performance to Business Value: A North American Perspective (Executive Summary)
By John T. Ganzi, Eric Steedman and Stefan Quenneville
Published: 5 November 2004
18 pages

Moving Forward with Pollution Prevention in North America: A Progress Update Prepared by the North American Pollution Prevention Partnership
Published: 28 September 2004
42 pages

Ten Years of North American Environmental Cooperation: Report of the Ten-year Review and Assessment Committee to the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Published: 15 June 2004
90 pages

Ten years ago, Canada, Mexico and the United States negotiated the largest free trade agreement in the world at the time, the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA created a marketplace of 400 million people and a combined GDP in excess of US$7 trillion. This report, prepared by the Ten-year Review and Assessment Committee—composed of two representatives from each of the three NAFTA countries—presents a concise review of the implementation of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation over its first ten years, and recommends actions to assist the Council in charting the path for the CEC over the next decade.

Taking Stock 2001: North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers
Published: 2 June 2004
338 pages

The annual Taking Stock reports are intended to serve as an information source for governments, industry and communities in analyzing pollutant release and transfer data from a North American perspective and for identifying opportunities for pollution reduction. The 2001 report presents analyses based on 1995–2001 data from the US Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and the Canadian National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). Results from 2001, trends over the seven years from 1995 to 2001 and from 1998 to 2001 are also presented. As data become available from the Mexican Registro de Emisiones y Transferencia de Contaminantes (voluntary for the 2001 reporting year), they will be included in future reports.

All of the CEC’s publications are available free-of-charge from the CEC’s web site as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. Bound copies may be requested by sending an e-mail to:


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Other articles for winter 2004-2005

Hi-tech trash a global threat

The grass-fed is always greener

First look at air pollution from over 1,000 fossil-fuel power plants in North America

Turtles, townsfolk and tourism

Secretariat completes maize and biodiversity study

Mexico to eliminate toxic chemical lindane

The Puebla Declaration charts a new path forward

JPAC reviews ten-year report

Highlights of 2004 publications


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   ISSN 1609-0810
   Created on: 06/10/2000     Last Updated: 21/06/2007
   © Commission for Environmental Cooperation