Summer 2007   

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Published in Spring 2003

Six nominations to the JPAC announced


The Chair of Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC), Mr. Gustavo Alanís-Ortega, announced in February that US President George W. Bush has appointed five new American members to JPAC, and that a new Canadian JPAC member has been appointed by the honourable David Anderson, Environment Minister of Canada.

“JPAC is one of the most innovative creations of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). It has played a vital role in helping to guide the CEC, and the success of JPAC can be largely attributed to the quality of its members. I am pleased to have the new members join the team,” stated Mr. Alanís-Ortega.

New JPAC members from the United States

Patricia Clarey
Ms. Clarey is vice president of govern ment relations of Health Net, Inc. in Woodland Hills, California.

Dinkerrai Desai
Mr. Desai is the environmental coordinator at the US Army Material
Command in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.

Arturo Duran
Mr. Duran is the general manager of the Lower Valley Water District in El Paso, Texas.

Jane Gardner
Ms. Gardner is the manager and counsel, remediation programs, corporate environmental programs (CEP) at the General Electric Company, in Fairfield, Connecticut.

Patricia McDonald
Ms. McDonald is a consultant in Wilson, Wyoming.

New JPAC member from Canada

Daniel Christmas
Mr. Christmas is the senior advisor for the Membertou Band Council in Membertou, Nova Scotia.


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Other articles for spring 2003

The illegal trade in chemicals that destroy ozone

North America eliminates use of chlordane

Mercury hot spots of North America

Local projects seek borderless protection for grey whales

Doing together what cannot be done alone

NAFTA Chapter 11 and the future

The spirit of cooperation

Is it really the flu, or an environmental illness?

Six nominations to the JPAC announced

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   Created on: 06/10/2000     Last Updated: 21/06/2007
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