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How to Save and Customize PowerPoint Presentations

Before customizing your PowerPoint presentation, you must save the presentation first. To save, open the link you want, select "File," then "Save As."

What are the Talking Points?
The Talking Points and PowerPoint presentations are designed to be used together. Talking Points for each topic contain information that corresponds with the PowerPoint presentation for that topic. While the PowerPoint slides contain a summary of the information, the Talking Points contain more detail, which can be used when presenting the corresponding slide. When you are giving a presentation, you can use both of these tools to provide information to your audience.

Why are there several different PowerPoint presentations?
The PowerPoint presentations on the website are Full Overall Findings, Short Overall Findings, Child Care, and Depression in the Lives of Early Head Start Families. A corresponding Talking Points document has also been included for each. Depending on topic selection and time constraints, you can select the appropriate presentation to meet your specific needs. The Full Overall Findings presentation goes into specific detail about the study and incorporates pie charts, bar graphs, and some statistics. The Short Overall Findings contains highlights and key findings from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project (EHSRE).

How do I customize a PowerPoint presentation to meet my needs?
The PowerPoint presentations can be modified to meet your specific needs. Notations are included in the Talking Points about ways you can relate the presentation to specific programs or issues in your community.

Can I customize the slides in the presentation?
You can customize the slides in the presentations by deleting or adding slides. Please do not change the content of the slides.

  • Deleting slides:
    To delete a slide from a PowerPoint presentation, select the slide that you wish to delete. Click on the edit menu, and from the drop down box, select “Delete Slide.”

  • Adding slides from another presentation:
    To add a slide from a different presentation, open the presentation in which you wish to add the slide and display the slide that will come before the slide you are adding. Click on the insert menu, and select “Slides from Files” from the drop down box. A new window will appear. Select “Browse” to find the presentation you are looking for. When you have found the correct presentation, click “Open” to select the presentation. Select the slide you want to add and click “Insert” at the bottom of the box.

  • Saving a new presentation:
    To save the new presentation, click on the file menu and select “Save As.” Rename the presentation and then select “Save.”

  • Printing slides:
    To make a paper copy of a slide or slides, click on the file menu and select “Print.” A new window will appear. To print one slide per page, go to the “Print what” drop down menu and select “Slides.” To print multiple slides per page, go to the “Print what” drop down menu and select “Handouts.” Go to the handouts section and select the number of slides that you want to appear on each page. To specify which slide or slides to print, go to the print range section of the window and select “All,” “Current slide,” or specify the range of slides you wish to print. To print slides in black and white, check the box “pure black and white.”

  • Saving to floppy disk:
    The Full Overall Findings PowerPoint presentation is 5.15 MB and as a result cannot be saved to a floppy disk. If you wish to save the presentation to a floppy disk, you can delete the following slides/pictures from the presentation to reduce the size of the presentation to 309 KB. First, delete the three photographs on Slide 3, entitled Early Head Start is an Intensive, Two-Generation Program. Second, delete Slide 22, entitled Early Head Start Serves Many Different Types of Families. Third, delete Slide 30, entitled Program Models Fit Community Needs.



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