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Early Head Start: Cross-Site Measures, Pre-Kindergarten Follow-Up List (with Full References)


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[ A - B ] [ C - D ] [ E - F ] [ G - H ] [ I - J ] [ K - L ]
[ M - N ] [ O - P ] [ Q - R ] [ S - T ] [ U - V ] [ W - Z ]

Arnett Scale of Caregiver Behavior
Arnett, J. (1989). Caregivers in day-care centers: Does training matter? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 10, 541-552.

Child Behavior Checklist
Achenbach, T. M., & Rescorla, L. A. (2000). Manual for ASEBA Preschool Forms & Profiles. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth, & Families.

Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale
Radloff, L. S. (1977). The CES-D Scale: A self-report depression scale for research in the general population. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 385-401.

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised
Harms, T., Clifford, R. M., & Cryer, D. (1998). Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition. New York: Teachers College Press.

FACES Teacher's Child Report Form Measures
Retrieved from

Family Day Care Rating Scale
Harms, T., & Clifford, R. (1989). Family Day Care Rating Scale. New York: Teachers College Press.

Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME), Preschool Form
Caldwell, B. M., & Bradley, R. H. (2003). Administration manual: Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment. Little Rock, AR: University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Howes Peer Play Scale
Howes, C. (1980). Peer play scale as an index of complexity of peer interaction. Developmental Psychology, 16, 371-372.

Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised, Attention Sustained and Examiner Rating Scale, Sociability
Roid, G. H., & Miller, L. J. (1997). Examiners manual: Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised. Chicago: Stoelting Co.

Modified Story and Print Concepts
Original FACES measure modified from the Story and Print Concepts task in Mason, J. M., & Stewart, J. (1989). The CAP Early Childhood Diagnostic Instrument (prepublication edition). Iowa City, IA: American Testronics.

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III
Dunn, L. M., & Dunn, L. M. (1997). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Third Edition. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service.

Student-Teacher Relationship Scale
Pianta, R. C. (1992). Student-Teacher Relationship Scale. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

Woodcock-Johnson Applied Problems
Woodcock, R., & Johnson, M. (1989). Woodcock Johnson Psycho-Educational Test Battery-Revised. Chicago: Riverside Publishing Company.



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