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Old Hickory Lake Shoreline Management Plan Approved

April 2008

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division has approved the update of the Old Hickory Lake Shoreline Management Plan (SMP). The SMP is the portion of the project’s Operational Management Plan that provides guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline of Old Hickory Lake. The objective of the plan is to achieve a balance between permitted private use and the protection and restoration of the natural environment. Old Hickory Lake staff has strengthened this plan by emphasizing principles of good environmental stewardship to the natural and cultural resources occurring on Old Hickory Lake. The intent of the plan is to use both passive and proactive best management practices to sustain healthy ecosystems and biodiversity, and conserve natural resources, such that public lands and waters are left in a condition equal to or better than their condition when acquired, and such that those natural and cultural resources are available to serve the needs of present and future generations.

Public information workshops were held to review and discuss the draft plan in Hendersonville, Tennessee and Old Hickory, Tennessee, in October 2006. These workshops were very well attended. Information on the meetings was publicized on the Old Hickory Lake internet website, through newspapers and local radio stations, as well as the project newsletter. 262 comments were received at the workshops and during the subsequent thirty-day public review period.

Allocation changes were requested in forty different areas, and site visits were made to each of these areas by the Resource Manager and/or his staff. Comments and allocation change requests were duly considered in the development of the draft plan. Official shoreline allocation maps are located in the Resource Managers Office and can be reviewed at any time upon request.

The 2008 update of the Old Hickory Lake SMP approved several changes. A summary of the more significant changes are included below:

- Added statement that use of public lands and waters that are permitted to adjacent landowners is a privilege not a right, and failure to comply with Corps policies, rules and regulations may result in cancellation of all activities previously permitted or licensed on public lands and waters (Section 16, page 13).

- Added statement that realtor letters are a valuable tool to inform prospective realtors or buyers of the shoreline classification adjacent to their lot and/or deficiencies that need to be corrected before a dock permit can be issued (Section 16, page 14).

- Added sentence that states “If lots or parcels of land are subdivided or altered then all affected parcels and permitted activities must conform to the current requirements of the shoreline management plan” (Section 17, page 15).

- Added statement allowing the Resource Manager in unusual circumstances involving disabilities, to approve a permit for a dock exceeding the 700 square foot size limit. To qualify for such an exception, the permit applicant must provide certain information including documentation of eligibility for federal or state disability benefits or other documentary medical evidence acceptable to the Resource Manager (Section 17a, pages 17-18).

- Language was added to limit the footprint for platform docks with attachments to 280 square feet to allow for the addition of a personal watercraft or small boat lift (Section 17 (5), page 19).

- Language was added to limit the amount of public property mowed to 100’ wide or ½ an acre, whichever is less, in areas where mowing permits have not previously been issued (Section 18, page 23).

- Added paragraph to define Environmental Restoration and Conservation Areas, and establish goals, objectives, and restrictions within these areas (Section18 (d), page 25).

- Clarified section on destruction of government property to include specific guidelines on revocation/moratorium periods (Section 21e, pages 28-29).

- Developed section to encourage fish and wildlife enhancement projects on public lands (Section 18 (d), page 25).

- In unusual circumstances such as when solid bedrock precludes sufficient moorage depth, applications for docks to extend more than 50 feet from the shoreline (but not more than 59 feet), may be approved if a comprehensive justification of need, as supplied by the applicant, is warranted (Section 24a, page 34-35).

- Reallocated approximately 5.48 miles of shoreline from Limited Development Mowing Only to Limited Development Docks and Mowing.

- Modified permit condition #1 to include removal of permitted facility until non-compliance issues are satisfactorily resolved (page 41).

- Modified Permit Condition #20 to include possible moratorium on permit issuances in cases of severe damage to public property (page 44).

* The next SMP public review is schedule for April 2013



View the 2008 Shoreline Management Plan (*Adobe PDF format).


View the Question and Answer document (*Adobe PDF format).


View the Allocation Changes document (*Adobe PDF format).

* Click here to go to the Adobe Acrobat site and download their free Adobe Acrobat Reader.



Points of Contact: 

Questions about this page:

Resource Manager’s Office
No. 5 Power Plant Road
Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075
(615) 822-4846 or (615) 847-2395

or e-mail: Public Affairs Officer

Questions about this website:

Page Last Updated:
03 April 2008






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