European Address/Telephone Directories at the Library of Congress:
Indexes and
Digitized Versions

The Library of Congress began systematically collecting residential and organizational telephone directories from many countries in 1937, but the records for these items, in general, are not included in the Library's online catalog. To fill that gap, the indexes provided here detail the Library's specific holdings of these directories from each of the countries listed. In addition, the Library has earlier address (non-telephone) directories and business directories that are reflected in the online catalog - only a few of them are included in these indexes. Historians, biographers and genealogists greatly value older directories, for such resources tell where a person lived and what years he or she resided there. Some directories provide additional information, such as profession or trade. More country indexes will be added in 2006-7.
A microfilm collection of thousands of telephone directories from France and its overseas departments is available in the Microform Reading Room under the call number Microfilm 2000/54. The online catalog provides a record for this collection under the title Annuaires téléphoniques, 1883-1959. A guide to that collection is available in the Main Reading Room: Microform Guide 530.
The Library has also digitized a few directories from Bulgaria, Poland and Romania, with links from this page.
Digitized Directories