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Dr. Hans Binnendijk Director and Roosevelt Chair
Dr. Robert E. Armstrong Senior Research Fellow
Ms. Neyla Arnas Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Michael J. Baranick Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Charles Barry Senior Research Fellow
COL Paul T. Bartone, USA Senior Research Fellow
Dr. William O. Berry Distinguished Research Fellow
Ms. Debra L. Cagan Senior Research Fellow
Mr. Bernard Carreau Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Richard Chait Distinguished Research Fellow
Dr. Walter L. Christman Visiting Fellow
Dr. Timothy Coffey Edison Chair
Ms. Gina Cordero Research Associate
Mr. Sudhir Devalia Contract Manager
Mr. Don DeYoung Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Mark D. Drapeau Associate Research Fellow
Mr. Dale Erickson Research Associate
Mr. Bruce Graham Course Administrator
Mr. Walker Hardy Research Associate
Dr. James Kadtke Senior Research Fellow
Dr. James M. Keagle Distinguished Research Fellow
Dr. Richard L. Kugler Distinguished Research Fellow
Ms. Cheryl Loeb Research Associate
Dr. John W. Lyons Distinguished Research Fellow
Mr. Christopher Mann Research Associate
Dr. Andrew S. Mara AAAS Fellow
Mr. Lynn McGrath Research Associate
Dr. Samuel A. Musa Senior Research Fellow and Homeland Security Science and Technology Chair
Mr. Terry J. Pudas Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Eunice E. Santos Senior Research Fellow
Ms. Melissa Sinclair Research Associate
Dr. Stuart H. Starr Senior Research Fellow
Ms. Catherine Theohary Research Associate
Dr. Harlan Ullman Visiting Fellow
Dr. Linton Wells, II Distinguished Research Fellow and Force Transformation Chair
Mr. Larry Wentz Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Elihu Zimet Distinguished Research Fellow