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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

JPAC Round Tables on Opportunities for Enhancing North American Cooperation

Executive summary


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In conjunction with the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Regular Session 01-02 and the Regular Session of Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), JPAC organized four round table discussions with the public on 27 June 2001 in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Themes for the round tables are based on comments that various stakeholders have repeatedly brought up with JPAC since the implementation of the CEC.

The topics were:

  • Managing Pollutants in North America;
  • Conservation of Biodiversity;
  • North American Trade and Transportation Corridors; and
  • Management of Renewable Resources

To facilitate the discussions during the round tables, concept papers have been prepared by the CEC Secretariat on the each of the topics.

The purpose of these discussions was to take a bold view of each topic, identify priority areas of concern and provide concrete ideas on how the CEC can contribute to developing solutions in a North American context. The results were also used to inform and assist JPAC in developing its advice to Council on the 2002-2004 Program Outline (see this document, attached) and, in September 2001, to provide its advice to Council on the proposed 2002-2004 Program Plan and Budget.

The discussions were also a great opportunity for the CEC Secretariat's program managers to look at the long-term vision of the CEC program plan and its strategies.

A JPAC member facilitated each round table discussion. Other JPAC members attended the session and participated in the discussions. The round tables were very well attended, interactive, and provided JPAC with very useful information and ideas for future work. The results of the discussion were reported to Council and to the public in a plenary session.(...)

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