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Early Intervention/Special Education

Programs that serve children from birth who have diagnosed special health, developmental, or learning needs. Programs may be in natural or inclusive settings or self-contained classrooms.

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The Library collection contains summaries and availability information for published documents of interest to policymakers, administrators, practitioners, researchers and other members of the child care community. Links to full-text publications about child care and school-age issues are provided when available.

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Resource Title Description Resource Type
Assessment in Context--Teachers and Children at Work.  Discusses the purposes of assessment in programs for young children and the role of assessment in the context of children's lives, parents' concerns, and teachers' and administrators' situations. Also... [view more] Library

Assessment of Early Childhood Social Development.  Discusses techniques that teachers and caregivers can use to assess the social development of young children. Indicates how anecdotal records, running records, checklists, rating scales, and standardized... [view more] Library

Assessment with Purpose: Putting the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework into Action  This Microsoft PowerPoint presentation from Washington State describes the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework, which was introduced in the 1998 Head Start Reauthorization. The Head Start Child Outcomes... [view more] Library

Asset-Based Context Matrix: An Assessment Tool for Developing Contextually-Based Child Outcomes (PDF) globe icon: external links This document describes the development and use of the Asset-Based Context (ABC) Matrix. The ABC Matrix is a contextually-based assessment tool for implementing an approach to early childhood intervention... [view more] Library

Assistance to States for the Education of Children With Disabilities and the Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers With Disabilities; Final Regulations.  This document presents final regulations for the Assistance to States for Education of Children with Disabilities program under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA Part B) and the Early... [view more] Library

Assisting TANF Recipients Living with Disabilities to Obtain and Maintain Employment (PDF) globe icon: external links This final report describes strategies that Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) agencies may consider implementing to help TANF recipients living with a disability to realize their full employment... [view more] Library

Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDF) globe icon: external links This document defines autism and pervasive developmental disorder (not otherwise specified). Children with autism or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) vary widely in abilities, intelligence, and behaviors.... [view more] Library

Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Best Practice Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis and Assessment (HTML) globe icon: external links These Guidelines provide a consistent and comprehensive base of information for screening, evaluation, and assessment of persons with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). The core concepts and best practices... [view more] Library

Bananas Choosing Child Care Handout: Choosing Child Care for a Child With Special Needs (PDF) globe icon: external links This document describes how to choose child care for a child with special needs. Child care options include: family child care, child care centers, in-home caregivers/babysitters, and shared in-home caregiver... [view more] Library

Barriers to Inclusive Child Care: Research Study Findings and Recommendations (HTML) globe icon: external links This report was developed to identify barriers to child care for children with disabilities and other special needs. Responses to the following research questions served as a framework: (1) Who are the... [view more] Library

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