Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the United States

Brigham City 1° x 2° Sheet

Home > US Map > Utah

Twin Falls
Wells Brigham City quad map Ogden
Salt Lake City
2351b Wasatch fault zone, Clarkston Mountain section
2351c Wasatch fault zone, Collinston section
2351d Wasatch fault zone, Brigham City section
2356 Goose Creek Mountains fault
2357 Grouse Creek and Dove Creek Mountains faults
2358 Hansel Valley fault
2359 Hansel Mountains (east side) faults
2360 Hansel Valley (valley floor) faults
2361 North Promontory fault
2362 North Promontory Mountains fault
2363 Blue Springs Hills faults
2366 Big Pass faults
2367 Dolphin Island fracture zone
2368 East Lakeside Mountains fault zone
2369a East Great Salt Lake fault zone, Promontory section
2369b East Great Salt Lake fault zone, Fremont Island section
2369c East Great Salt Lake fault zone, Antelope Island section
2376 Ogden Valley North Fork fault
2383 Puddle Valley fault zone
2448 Raft River Mountains fault
2521a West Cache fault zone, Clarkston fault
2521b West Cache fault zone, Junction Hills fault
2521c West Cache fault zone, Wellsville fault
Last modified December 16, 2005
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