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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Studies Archive

SNAP Program Design

Imposing a Time Limit on Food Stamp Receipt: Implementation of the Provisions and Effects on Food Stamp Participation - September 2001

Evaluation of Asset Accumulation Initiatives: Final Report - February 2000

The Use of Food Stamps to Purchase Vitamin and Mineral 
September 1999

Relaxing the FSP Vehicle Asset Test: North Carolina Demo -January 1999

The Effect of Welfare Reform on Able-Bodied Food Stamp Recipients - July 1998

State Food Stamp Policy Choices Under Welfare Reform: 
Findings of 1997 50 State Survey
May 1998

Executive Summary

Entire Report (154 KB) 
Note: Appendix not included

Evaluation of the E&T/JOBS Conformance Demonstrations - February 1998

Effects of Cash-Out on Food Use of Food Stamp Participants: Results from Four Demonstrations - September 1993

Effects of Food Stamp Cash-Out on Administrative Costs, Participation, and Food Retailers in San Diego - September 1993

Evaluation of Alabama Food Stamp Cash-Out Demonstration - September 1992

Last modified: 12/04/2008