Secretary Spellings Delivered Remarks at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan
Encourages More International Exchanges of Students
Archived Information

November 13, 2006
Contact: Samara Yudof
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Secretary Leads Delegation of University Presidents to Asia

Tokyo, Japan -- U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today delivered remarks at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. Secretary Spellings and Assistant Secretary of State Dina Habib Powell are leading a delegation of U.S. university and college presidents during International Education Week November 10-18, 2006 and carrying the message that the U.S. welcomes and values international students who want to study in the U.S.

Following are Secretary Spellings' prepared remarks at Waseda University:

Thank you Dina Powell for that introduction. I'd also like to thank Dr. Nussbaum and President Shirai for having us here today and your leadership of this great university. I'm honored to be with all of you and want to thank Waseda, the students and faculty, for such a warm welcome.

I have a deep affinity for Japan. It's a feeling of respect and admiration that's shared by President Bush and the American people. As President Bush has said, "The friendship between our two nations is based on common values. These values include democracy, free enterprise, and a deep and abiding respect for human rights."

It's not surprising that President Bush and Former Prime Minister Koizumi became good friends. They both understand the challenges of leadership, they both value freedom. And they also understand a strong alliance between our nations is good for our citizens and for democracy in the world.

I've traveled here with a group of University Presidents – the first time the U.S. government has put together such a delegation. They come from all different kinds of institutions – large, small, private, public, technical schools and research institutions.

They represent the enormous variety in American higher education. They also all share a commitment to international education and this region in particular. Examples of some of their international programs include an Institute for Japanese Studies, Japanese Language and Culture Program, as well as research and exchange partnerships with Japanese universities.

We're here to discuss our shared challenge to educate our students with the skills they need to succeed and to talk about the higher education opportunities available in America. We have more than 4,000 institutions of higher learning. And, we want to invite you to study in America and send more of our students here.

America's institutions of higher education remain a prime destination for those seeking opportunity in the highly competitive global economy. Before I left for this trip, I met with a group of students from Japan studying in America. They told me that some of the things they enjoy about studying in America include the diversity, excellent research opportunities, and the open, welcoming atmosphere.

We're committed to making sure this same opportunity to study in America is available to you and students like you. We know international exchanges enrich a student's overall education experience. They also help promote mutual understanding and appreciation of our different cultures.

Meeting this challenge is a primary goal of Waseda. In preparation for your 125th anniversary celebration, this university re-focused it's mission; committing to become a "global university." You have a great goal to send more than a thousand students abroad and to accept more than 3,000 students here.

The world is changing, shrinking distances and barriers between people. Technology has connected us in ways unimaginable to past generations. It has transformed the way we do everything from managing a business to buying airplane tickets. Thanks to globalization, even my Starbucks coffee tastes exactly the same here in Tokyo!

Technological advances have improved the quality of life, revolutionized how we communicate, and opened new doors of opportunity. They have also redefined the skills students and workers need to capitalize on these opportunities.

Not so long ago, you could get a good job without higher education. But, in today's competitive economy, a college education is imperative.

Higher education has long been one of the strengths of America. Our decentralized system has empowered students with a wide range of options. It's a system that encourages innovation and adapts to meet many different needs.

As a result, millions of Americans have the chance to realize their potential and contribute to society. American universities are on the cutting edge of research and technological discovery. Our students have unparalleled access to world-class laboratories and resources.

And in the fields of both academic and scientific research, foreign students contribute tremendously and greatly enrich our universities. As a nation, we understand the value of international exchange. Our doors are open to you and other students who seek the benefits our higher education system has to offer.

Foreign student enrollment continues to rise in the post-9/11 era. In the last year, the number of student and exchange visas issued reached an all-time high of more than 590,000. Student visas were up 15 percent.

Our Universities are working to promote the value of international education and foster new exchanges. In the past, study abroad was something that not many students could afford and it wasn't offered at many universities. But that's changing.

In the past 10 years, Americans studying overseas has increased by 10 percent. And the number of institutions offering study abroad programs and highlighting international education has increased dramatically. If our students are going to be prepared for the international marketplace, study abroad is a critical part of that preparation.

We can learn a lot from each other to better prepare our students. For example, Japan has strong math and science programs and America is known for our emphasis on critical thinking and creativity. Working together we can give all our students a better education.

Companies today want graduates skilled in the fields of math, science, and foreign language – the new currencies of our global economy. And these days, companies are following talent – whether that talent is in Texas or Tokyo.

Since our universities are at the heart of recruiting and nurturing talent, they must adapt to make sure a college education equips students to be competitive with the new international workforce.

A core strength of America's higher education system is flexibility. Our colleges are able to innovate and adjust to meet the demands of a dynamic job market and changing global society. Recently, I had a group of higher education and business leaders explore ways we can strengthen higher education in America and make it more affordable, accessible, and accountable.

Our government is committed to ensuring that our education system provides students with the resources and instruction they need to be competitive and succeed in the new global economy. For us, the internationalization of education means sharing best practices, fostering innovation, and increasing transparency.

Because no matter what country we call home, all of us share the same commitment to see students succeed. Education opens the doors of opportunity and is the foundation for a better life and a bright future.

To promote freedom, end hunger, find the cure for cancer, explore new frontiers in space...these are noble objectives. Objectives we have a much greater chance of accomplishing together than on our own. Through shared collaboration of ideas and invention, we can make our world and the world our children inherit one of great promise and opportunity.

And our success in this endeavor begins and ends in the classroom. Higher education is no longer a luxury it's a necessity. And I hope that as you pursue yours you will remember our nation welcomes the contributions and insights you can bring to our universities and our students.

Thank you.



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Last Modified: 11/13/2006