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Afterschool Achievement: Strengthening Literacy and Other Skills (PDF)
By Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
Time for Achievement: Afterschool and Out-of-School Time, XVIII, 1; May 2006

Summary: This article indicates that after-school programs can help children master the reading, writing, and communication skills they need to succeed. Data show that out-of-school time (OST) programs can raise reading achievement among struggling students. OST programs are especially effective for readers in kindergarten through second grade and when they incorporate one-on-one tutoring. After-school activities that have been shown to be the most successful in raising achievement include reading aloud, dramatization, and book discussion. Researchers recommend the following steps for establishing after-school literacy programs: (1) set goals based on local needs, (2) use engaging literature, (3) incorporate real-world activities, (4) assess students’ progress over time, and (5) provide ongoing training for staff.

Index Terms: After-school Child Care, Early Childhood Education, Literacy Development, Out Of School Time, School Age Child Care, Activities, At Risk Children, Community Role, Low Income Families, Quality Initiatives

Publisher: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 5 pages
Language: English

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
211 East Seventh Street
Austin, Texas 78701
FAX: 512-476-2286

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