* SPSS syntax to generate: * CFSR Item IV) Children Entering Care Based on CA/N, Duplicate Child Victims. * Syntax applies to NCANDS Child File V4.0. ************************************************************************************. ****** Lines beginning with '*' are comments and are not executed by SPSS. *****. ****** Name of State Master File must be entered in highlighted section below. *****. ************************************************************************************. * Fields MAL1LEV MAL2LEV MAL3LEV MAL4LEV and MALDEATH are used to identify maltreatment victims. * Non-victims are removed from the analysis. * Field FOSTERCR used to identify victims placed into foster care. **********************************************************************************. ********** Enter name of the State Master File in following command line *********. get file = 'ENTER STATE FILE NAME HERE' /keep = chid mal1lev mal2lev mal3lev mal4lev maldeath fostercr. * Create flag variable FLVICTIM to identify maltreatment victims. * If any of the maltreatment dispositions (MALLEV)are 1=sub or 2=ind, or 3=alt-resp victim * The child was a victim. * If the child died as result of the maltreatment MALDEATH=1, the child was a victim. compute flvictim = 0 . if (mal1lev le 3) flvictim = 1. if (mal2lev le 3) flvictim = 1. if (mal3lev le 3) flvictim = 1. if (mal4lev le 3) flvictim = 1. if (maldeath eq 1) flvictim = 1. * Analysis does not include non-victims and they are removed from the file. select if (flvictim eq 1) . * Set values for FOSTERCR so that children are either '1'='Placed in Care' or '0'='Not Placed'. recode fostercr (1=1) (else = 0) . var labels fostercr 'Child Placed into Foster Care'. val labels fostercr 1 'Yes' 0 'No' . * Active file currently holds records for duplicate victims. * No additional case selection is required. * Counts displayed are counts of duplicate victims by placement into foster care. freq fostercr.