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Computerized Accident Incident Reporting and Recordkeeping System (CAIRS)
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Accessing CAIRS Data


Individuals interested in registering to become CAIRS users can obtain a copy of the registration form from the HSS User Support at (800) 473-4375.

Organizational Jurisdictions

When you are granted access to CAIRS, you will be assigned an organizational jurisdiction. This jurisdiction may be for a specific organization or for a complete contractor, area office, or field office. This jurisdiction assignment will determine the records that will be selected when the default organization selection is utilized in many of the reports and logs. The default can be over-ridden by entering the desired organization codes in the appropriate input boxes.

Privacy Information

CAIRS reports contain personal identifiers (names and social security numbers) and information regarding personal injury or illness. In order to prevent an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, all personal identifiers are masked from the view of general users whenever any logs or reports are generated.

The default registration for CAIRS does not provide access to any privacy information. If you require access to privacy information in order to perform your job function, you may apply for access to that information. A copy of the document used to coordinate requests for this information can be obtained from the HSS User Support at (800) 473-4375. This document identifies the specific organization(s) for which you require privacy information and the signatures required for approval.

Passwords and User Information

When you first register for access to CAIRS, you are given a User ID and a temporary password. Because of the means by which this password is provided to you, it may not be completely secure, and it should be changed to a new password of your choice as soon as possible. Unlike the previous CAIRS, there is no longer a requirement to periodically change your password. However, you may make changes to your password any time you desire. This should definitely be done if you feel that your current password may have been compromised. Passwords can be changed using the User Tools option from the CAIRS home page. The CAIRS user database also contains user information such as addresses and telephone numbers. Users are now able to make changes to most of this information, using the User Tools option from the CAIRS home page. You are encouraged to review this information occasionally and ensure that it remains current.

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This page was last updated on January 15, 2008

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