Press Room

November 1, 2005

The Honorable John W. Snow Prepared Remarks Delivery of Final Report from the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform Washington, DC

Welcome. I'd like to thank everyone for joining us here today.

I'd like to welcome former Senators Connie Mack and John Breaux, the chair and vice chair of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax reform. I'd also like to welcome the other Panel members – Edward Lazear, James Poterba, Liz Ann Sonders and William Frenzel – and thank them for joining us as well.

In January, the President appointed this bipartisan panel under the leadership of Senators Mack and Breaux to make recommendations to make the tax code fairer for all Americans, simpler so everyone can understand it, and more pro-growth, to help boost our economy. The President also asked that they do so in a way that was revenue neutral and that considered the importance of home ownership and charitable giving in our society.

This Panel has held meetings all over the country; they listened to experts, economists, lawyers, and average taxpayers; they studied all the information that was presented to them, and they have made bold recommendations. The recommendations that they are presenting today will begin the dialogue that will help shape the future of tax policy. Their advice is the starting point, and I look forward to reading their recommendations and considering them carefully before I make a recommendation to the President based on the excellent work carried out by this Panel. I congratulate the panel for their excellent work and a job well done.

Thank you.
