Press Room

September 21, 2005

Statement by Treasury Secretary John Snow on Hurricane Katrina Bill

I commend Senate and House negotiators for reaching bipartisan agreement on the Hurricane Katrina emergency tax relief bill.  I am pleased that the House acted to pass the bill this afternoon and look forward to quick Senate action.  This aid comes at exactly the right time to help victims of Hurricane Katrina as they rebuild their lives.  Hurricane Katrina was a devastating blow to our Gulf Coast and this aid package will be an important part of the recovery effort. 

We also look forward to working with the Congress in the coming weeks to enact the President's proposals for Gulf Opportunity Zones, Worker Recovery Accounts and the Urban Homesteading initiative to help revitalize areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.  Finally, it is important that Congress act to ensure the future health of our national economy by making the President's tax cuts permanent.  A strong national economy is crucial to rebuilding the Gulf economy.