Press Room

July 29, 2005

Statement of Secretary John W. Snow on Senate Confirmation of Treasury Nominees

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow issued the following statement today on Senate confirmation of Treasury nominees:

Robert Kimmitt, Deputy Secretary
Tim Adams, Under Secretary for International Affairs
Randal Quarles, Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
Janice Gardner, Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
Kevin Fromer, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
Sandra Pack, Assistant Secretary for Management
John Dugan, Comptroller of the Currency
John Reich, Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision

"I'm grateful the Senate acted today to put in place at Treasury a team of superb individuals to carry out the critical issues before the Department. Priorities ranging from preserving and strengthening Social Security for future generations, to reforming the tax code, to disrupting the financial underpinnings of terrorist networks and other national security threats, are critical to keeping our country on the current upward path of economic growth and job creation. I look forward to working with them to ensure economic security and prosperity for the American people, and I commend the tremendous staff at the Treasury Department for their hard work over the past months."
