Press Room

July 20, 2005

Statement of Kevin I. Fromer Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs U.S. Department of the Treasury before the Senate Finance Committee

Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Baucus and members of the Committee, thank you for scheduling this hearing and for considering my nomination.  It is an honor to appear before you today.

I wish to thank President Bush for nominating me for the position of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary Snow for his support of this appointment.  I also want to express my deepest appreciation and respect to Representative Hal Rogers of Kentucky and the Speaker of the House, J. Dennis Hastert, for their support and guidance throughout my career in Congress.

I have spent nearly twenty-three years understanding and supporting the work of the legislative branch in a variety of positions.  I believe these professional experiences have prepared me for the appointment you are considering.  My policy work has focused on the budget and appropriations processes, both of which shape or impact numerous other areas of policy and government activity.  I have held senior staff positions in personal, committee and leadership environments, developing important relationships and an understanding of the workings of both houses of Congress.  I have developed managerial experience that, if confirmed, will help me lead and support other individuals responsible for dealing with Congress and others in the Department of the Treasury and the Administration.
If confirmed, I will apply the skills, knowledge and experiences I have gained to faithfully representing the policies and views of the Department and the Administration on matters before this Committee and others in the Congress.  I also will ensure that the views of the Congress are accurately conveyed and fully understood within the Department and the Administration.  I will strive to see that timely and accurate responses are provided to Members of Congress with questions and concerns.         

As you know, the Department has broad and significant responsibilities upon which the economic vitality and security of this country depends.  It promotes policies to achieve and maintain economic growth and job creation, it works to sever financial lines of support to terrorists, it maintains trust and confidence in our banking and financial systems, it carries out complex polices and programs to enhance the economic performance of other regions of the world, consistent with U.S. interests.  In addition to these priorities, the Department is actively engaged in major policy initiatives and reforms involving retirement security, housing finance, and the tax system, among others.

These activities require the understanding and support of the Congress.  This Committee, in particular, has a daily need to work with the Department in carrying out legislative and oversight responsibilities that overlap significantly with the Department's portfolio.  If confirmed, I look forward to making contributions to the Committee's work.

Mr. Chairman and Senator Baucus, thank you again for permitting my appearance before the Committee.  It is a great privilege.  I am further appreciative to the majority and minority staffs, which have been courteous to me and generous with their time in preparation for this process.
Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to responding to any questions you may have.
