Press Room


June 9, 2005

Syrian Company, Nationals Designated by Treasury for
Support to Former Saddam Hussein Regime

The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced the designation of a Syrian-based company and two senior officials that acted on behalf of Saddam Hussein's fallen regime.
SES International Corp., based in Damascus, General Zuhayr Shalish and Asif Shalish were designated today pursuant to Executive Order 13315, which is aimed at blocking property of the former Iraqi regime, its senior officials and their family members and those who act for or on their behalf.
"Zuhayr and Asif used SES as a vehicle to put military goods into the hands of Saddam Hussein and his regime, all while evading UN sanctions," said Stuart Levey, the Treasury's Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.
SES, which is owned by Zuhayr and managed by Asif, acted as a "false end user" for Iraq, helping to procure defense-related goods for the Iraqi military.  As a Syrian company, SES was able to provide exporters in multiple countries with end-user certificates indicating Syria, rather than Iraq, as the final destination for the exported goods.  SES would then arrange for the items to be transshipped to Iraq, which allowed the Iraqi regime to obtain military goods in contravention of UN sanctions. 
Zuhayr and Asif acted on behalf of the former Iraqi regime and several of its senior officials. Zuhayr and Asif provided personal assistance to Hussein's oldest son, Uday Saddam Hussein, and to former Iraqi Presidential Secretary, Abid Hamid Mahmud al-­Tikriti, both of whom were previously designated under EO 13315.  
Information shows that Uday greatly benefited from his relationship with Zuhayr, Asif and SES.  Notably, Zuhayr and Asif reportedly worked at the request of Uday to repatriate Adib Shaban, Uday's assistant, after Adib had fled from Iraq.
According to information available to the U.S. Government, Zuhayr was involved in efforts to help Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti flee Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  There is reason to believe he offered to help Hussein's younger son, Qusay Saddam Hussein, leave Iraq.
U.S. Government information also indicates that before October 2003, al-Tikriti allegedly transferred large amounts of money to Zuhayr, who in turn earmarked the money as a monthly allowance for Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti's family.
Information available to the U.S. Government indicates that, since the fall of the former Iraqi regime, SES has employed or supported a number of former regime officials, notably Munir Mamduh Awad al-Qubaisi, the director of the Al Basha'ir Trading Company.  Al Basha'ir was one of Iraq's largest arms procurement front companies.  Both Munir and Al Basha'ir were previously designated under EO 13315. 

Identifying Information

General Zuhayr Shalish
AKAs:   Brigadier General Thu AL-HEMMEH
AL-SHALISH, Brigadier General Dhu Al-Himma
Major General Dhu Himma SHALEESH
Dhu Al-Himma SHALISH
Dhuil Himma SHALISH
DOB:    Circa 1956
POB:     Al-Ladhiqiyah, Syria
Nationality:   Syrian
Address:  Damascus, Syria

Asif Shalish
AKA:   Assef ISSA
AKA:   Dr. Assef Essa SHALEESH
DOB:   January 1, 1959
PPN:   4713277 (Syria)
Nationality:  Syrian
Address:  Damascus, Syria

SES International Corp.
AKA:   SES Automobile
AKA:   SES Group
Address 1:  Harasta Homs Highway
P.O. Box 241
Damascus, Syria 

Address 2:  Harsta Hams Road
P.O. Box 291
Damascus, Syria

Today's action is taken pursuant to Executive Order 13315 which blocks property and interests in property of senior officials of the former Iraqi regime, and those acting for or on their behalf, within the possession or control of U.S. persons. 

For more information on additional Treasury actions against the former Iraqi regime, please visit the following links:

Treasury Designates 16 Family Members of the Former Iraqi Regime, Submits 191 Iraqi Entities to United Nations

Treasury Designates Front Companies, Corrupt Officials Controlled by Saddam Hussein's Regime

Uday Saddam Hussein's Inner Circle Designated by Treasury

U.S., Iraq, U.K. Jointly Designate Ambassadors Intel Ops of the Former Hussein Regime