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May 3, 2005

Statement of Treasury Secretary John W. Snow
On the Departure of Treasury Assistant Secretary Rob Nichols
May 3, 2005

"The Treasury Department is preparing to bid a very fond farewell to Rob Nichols, who will be departing from a distinguished career in public service at the end of this month. He has served his country honorably as a public official and we wish him the very best in his new life in the private sector.

"As the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs, and before that as Deputy Assistant Secretary, Rob has been involved with every issue that the Treasury Department handles. His communications and management skills, combined with his understanding of financial markets, the financial services industry and a wide breadth of economic matters, made him a uniquely valuable advisor to me, to the Treasury Department leadership, and to officials throughout the Administration. His leadership and counsel on public relations, strategy and relationships with the news media have been second-to-none, and his office is widely know as one of the most well-managed and efficient in the Treasury organization.

"On a more personal note, Rob has been a steady source of wisdom as well as camaraderie since I became Treasury Secretary over two years ago. He has been an infinitely valuable member of the Treasury team and of the larger Bush Administration team; he will be deeply missed."