Press Room


March 31, 2005

Treasury Secretary Snow Congratulates Paul Wolfowitz
on Election to Lead World Bank

Treasury Secretary John Snow today congratulated Paul Wolfowitz on his election, by the World Bank's Executive Board, to be World Bank President. "I am tremendously pleased for Secretary Wolfowitz and for the people the Bank serves all over the world. The exceptional mission of the World Bank demands that it be led by an outstanding leader; someone with proven management skills, international diplomatic experience, real vision and, above all, a commitment and passion for development. Paul Wolfowitz is that leader. He will do a terrific job leading an institution whose purpose is noble, unique and represents the hope of impoverished people across the globe. I commend the Board on their selection and look forward to working with President-designate Wolfowitz and the finance ministers and development ministers around the world in our efforts to meet our international development goals."