Press Room


March 14, 2005

Treasury Joined by Members of Congress and Lenders to
Discuss Financial Education

Treasury's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr. was today joined on Capitol Hill by Sen. Daniel Akaka (HI), Rep. Judy Biggert (IL), Rep. David Dreier (CA) and members of the lending community at the fifth in a series of six information-gathering meetings to develop a national strategy for financial education.

"Today's meetings reflect an important partnership for financial literacy: between the private and public sector, between Congress and the Administration and among numerous federal agencies," said Iannicola. "No one agency, entity or policymaker has all the right answers, but by talking and working together we're confident we can learn what we need to know to improve financial literacy in America."

Rep. Biggert spoke about the new House Financial Economic Literacy Caucus, which she launched in February with Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (TX). Rep. Dreier commended the efforts of those organizations providing financial education at the grass roots level, as well as the work of the Financial Economic Literacy Caucus and the Financial Literacy and Education Commission. Sen. Akaka underscored that while improving financial education among young people is important, adult financial literacy needs must also be a priority.

Today's meeting was part of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission's efforts to develop a national strategy for financial education. The Commission was established by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, which was signed into law by President Bush in December of 2003. The meetings, which have included federal, state and local government, nonprofits, lending institutions, academic organizations and individuals, are to gather information about best practices for improving financial literacy among all Americans. Previous sector-specific meetings have been hosted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the United States Mint and the Office of Personnel Management with support from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board and the Department of Defense. The final meeting will take place on March 17 at the Department of Health and Human Services.