Press Room


March 11, 2005

Treasury Department Launches Social Security
Web Site

SAN ANTONIO - Treasury Secretary John Snow today announced the Department of the Treasury is launching a new web site, The site will provide up-to-date information on the problems facing Social Security and the Administration's efforts to permanently fix the program through bipartisan reform.

"As I have traveled across the country these past few months, I've met people at every stop who are asking me questions about Social Security. `What can we do to improve the system for future generations? Will Social Security be there for me when I retire? Why is the program in trouble?'" said Snow. "We are launching this web site to provide Americans with the latest information so these questions can be answered. They will see where Social Security stands today and what can be done to strengthen it for the future."

The web site,, provides access to a broad array of information including speeches by the President and his Cabinet, press releases, and fact sheets. The site tracks Administration officials' Social Security events and will serve as the information center for the ongoing 60 Stops in 60 Days tour.