Press Room


March 2, 2005

Tampa Small Business Will Host Tax Reform Panel’s
Third Hearing on March 8th

The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform today announced that SAGO Networks, a small technology business in Tampa, Florida, will host the Panel's third hearing. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 9:30 a.m. at 4465 W. Gandy Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33611.

Former Senators Connie Mack and John Breaux serve as the Chairman and Vice -Chairman of the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform.

The Panel's third hearing will focus how the tax system affects businesses and entrepreneurs. The witness list for this hearing will be provided at a later date.

About SAGO Networks:
Sago Networks is a technology services company that provides solutions for all of its customers' bandwidth and custom telecommunications needs. From its headquarters in the Tampa Bay area and satellite offices in Miami and Dallas, Sago has implemented multiple rapidly deployable, high-speed wireless networks and maintains one of the largest bandwidth datacenters in the country.

About the Tax Reform Panel:
The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform was established by President Bush on January 7, 2005.  President Bush has charged the bipartisan panel with recommending reforms to the tax code that will make the U.S. tax system simpler, fairer and more growth oriented.