Press Room


February 24, 2005

Deputy Assistant Secretary Iannicola
Addresses National Meeting of Grass
Roots Financial Educators in Baltimore

Treasury's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola today delivered remarks about Treasury's financial education initiatives and the progress of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission at the Assets for Independence Program Grantee Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. Iannicola spoke to representatives of non-profit groups, state and local government agencies, community action agencies and faith-groups on ways to strengthen and expand financial education in their communities.

Iannicola praised the organizations present for the impact they have on the grass roots level. "There is no substitute for the type of on-the-ground presence these organizations have in their communities. By knowing their clients by name and by need, these groups are able to spread financial knowledge on the local level."

The Assets for Independence Program is a federal grant program that enables community-based non-profits and state, local and tribal government agencies to implement ways of giving low-income families assistance. Assets for Independence is administered by the Office of Community Services within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The program supports projects that help low-income families move up the economic ladder by providing financial literacy education, access to individual development accounts, as well as other strategies. Individual development accounts help participants save earned income in special purpose matched savings accounts.

The Department of the Treasury is a leader in promoting financial education.  Treasury established the Office of Financial Education in May of 2002. The Office works to promote access to the financial education tools that can help all Americans make wiser choices in all areas of personal financial management, with a special emphasis on saving, credit management, home ownership and retirement planning.  The Office also coordinates the efforts of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, a group chaired by the Secretary of Treasury and composed of representatives from 20 federal departments, agencies and commissions, which works to improve financial literacy and education for people throughout the United States.  For more information about the Office of Financial Education visit: