Press Room


January 7, 2005

Statement of Treasury Secretary John W. Snow
on December Employment Report

The creation of 157,000 new jobs in December shows the continuing good strength of the American economy. The past year was a very good one for our economy, and for workers seeking employment. December's report brings the total number of jobs created over the course of 2004 to 2.3 million. GDP growth was strong while business investment posted substantial gains, and the housing market turned in another exceptional performance, likely toppling a number of records in 2004.

The President's economic leadership is clearly having a lasting effect, and we are reminded by today's report that it remains critically important to keep pro-growth policies like lower tax rates in place. This type of steady economic expansion needs to continue, and making the President's tax cuts permanent will help ensure that job creation continues, providing opportunities and offering great prospects to all Americans who are seeking work.
