Element #3

Definition: The only unique identifier that remains constant, regardless of residence. The Social Security Number of the head of the family.

Data Standards:


Before October 2000: Required.

October 2000 and after: Optional.

Out of Range

All valid SSNs allowed.
--if child SSN, then all characters allowed

Current rules on Invalid SSNs:

No 000-xx-xxxx, 666-xx-xxxx, 800-xx-xxxx, 900-xx-xxxx, xxx-00-xxxx, xxx-xx-0000 SSNs;

No SSNs between 728-xx-xxxx and 763-xx-xxxx;

No SSNs between 766-xx-xxxx and 799-xx-xxxx.

Internal Inconsistency

Before October 2000: If the answer to Element 5 (Single Parent) = 9, then Element 3 (Head of Household SSN) must equal Element 16 (Child SSN).

October 2000 and after: No internal consistency standard.

Field Size: 9

Format (NNNNNNNNN): Alphanumeric

Guidance: States are reminded that CCDF eligibility may not be denied because a parent chooses not to provide their Social Security Number. (See ACYF-PI-CC-00-04 issued October 27, 2000). The Bureau requires that SSN's of children in protective service cases be reported in place of the head of the family (element #3), if a SSN is provided. If no SSN is provided, the unique identifier identifies the child, not the head of the family. This requirement ensures that the system will not generate missing data error messages and allows the system to match for longitudinal research studies.

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