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USGS CMG Menlo Park Refrigerated Core and Sample Archive Facility--M1021A

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Legend:  yellow = Collection Area
Show areas in USGS CMG Menlo Park Refrigerated Core and Sample Archive Facility--M1021A
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Link to Area A0, D-tube racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area B0, D-tube racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area C0, D-tube racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area D0, D-tube racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area E0, D-tube racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area F0, fixed bin racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area G0, chest freezer, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area R0, rolling racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area R0, rolling racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area R0, rolling racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Area R0, rolling racks, Rm. M1021A page Link to Sediment Core Splitting and Description Lab--M1021 page Map of Room M1021A

Room Refrigerated Core and Sample Archive Facility
Location Rm. M1021A, 1st floor, Bldg. 15 (McKelvey Bldg.)
Contact Cathy Frazee
Description The U.S. Geological Survey's Menlo Park (USGSMP) marine geology sample repository is a United States government-funded facility that houses a national archive of marine bottom samples in the offices of the Western Region's Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) team. The repository consists of two separate refrigerated facilities that maintain samples at 38°F ± 2°F. Our 900 sq.-foot walk-in refrigerator with adjacent core cutting laboratory (located in Building 15 of the Western Region Headquarters in Menlo Park, CA) holds samples from on-going projects - the active collection. Our 1500 sq.-foot walk-in refrigerator with adjacent anteroom (located at our Marine Facility (MARFAC) in Redwood City, CA) holds samples that represent the in-active part of the collection. Through agreement, we also provide temporary refrigerated storage of samples collected by other Geologic Division teams as well as members of the Water Resources Division.
Most all marine samples require archival and storage facilities that are environmentally sensitive to the sample we collect. In order to properly store samples the USGS has two refrigerated storage facilities. One facility is located adjacent to the core laboratory, and it allows direct access to recent and actively studied cores and samples. The second facility is located off campus, at the CMG Marine facility in Redwood City CA. The off-campus facility is over twice as large as the refrigerated facility located adjacent to the core splitting laboratory. Sample storage temperatures are 38°F+/-2°F. Both the archive and working core halves are stored in special protective containers called d-tubes.

Staffing consists of a curator (staff research geologist; 0.1FTE), a co-curator, and an oversight steering committee. The co-curator, a full-time contract employee working in the final year of a two-year contract through the Earth Sciences Intern Program (ESIP) is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the collection.

Although the CMG collection is global in extent, most samples were collected from the Pacific Ocean and adjacent environs. The collection consists of over 12,000 box core, piston core, gravity core, sediment trap, dredge, and grab samples collected during numerous deep-ocean and coastal-ocean cruises since 1972, as well as sampling in lacustrine, wetland, and water-reservoir environments. The combined facility (both Menlo Park and MARFAC) is at 66% of capacity. Projecting present collection rates, the facility should not reach full capacity for the next 10 to 15 years.

The collection is in disarray as a consequence of our recent relocation from the Palo Alto, CA, facility. Overall curation goals for the repository are to maintain, re-organize, and catalogue the collection, and to salvage materials damaged during both the move and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. In addition, we are working with the Data Acquisition and Storage (DAPS) group of CMG to complete associated metadata (a database of core locations, descriptions, sampling history, and publication history of materials) and transmit appropriate information to NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). Initial access to information on the collection by the national and international scientific communities is through web search engines associated with NGDC's "Index to Marine Geological Samples" at:


The Core Curator and the steering committee handle subsequent requests for information or subsamples.

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