Element 6a, Column A
Average Monthly Amount Paid per Child

Definition: The average monthly amount paid by CCDF subsidy.

Allowable Values:

  • Numbers 1 to 999999
  • 0 when none served
  • - (dash) when data applies but is not available
Numbers That Must Add Up: Not applicable

Guidance:Element 6a, Column (A) is the average monthly amount paid for CCDF subsidy for child care services provided per child, regardless of category/type of child care.

Tribal Lead Agencies should use the same method for calculating the average monthly amount paid for CCDF subsidy in Element 6a as used to calculate the average number of hours of care for Element 5.

One method to calculate the average monthly amount paid for child care services per month:

  1. Calculate the total amount of CCDF subsidy paid for child care services for month X (for example, January)
  2. Calculate the total number of children served during month X
  3. Divide the total amount from step 1 by the total number of children from step 2 to get the average amount of CCDF subsidy paid for child care services for month X
  4. Do steps 1 - 3 for each month services are provided
  5. Add together each of the monthly totals to get the CCDF subsidy sum
  6. Divide the sum from step 5 by the total number of months services are provided during the year to get the average amount paid for child care services per month

Some Tribal Lead Agencies do not pay for (or keep records by) the month. Rather, they reimburse by "full" or "part" days of care (or other increments). Such Tribal Lead Agencies can still calculate the average monthly amount paid for child care per child. Multiply the number of full or part time days by 22 to calculate the monthly rate in place of step one above.

When data are applicable but not available, provide a footnote in the comment section explaining when the missing data will be submitted.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]