Element 4(a-c), Column (A)
Number of Children Receiving Child Care Service - By Reason for Care

Definition: The number of children receiving child care service by reason for care.

Allowable Values:

  • Numbers 1 to 999999
  • 0 when none served
  • - (dash) when data applies but is not available
  • NA when data requested does not apply (only for Element 4c, Column (A))

Numbers That Must Add Up:

Check 1: Add all of the rows for Element 4, Column (A). This answer and the number in Element 2b, Column (A) should be the same. If they are not the same, there is an error.

Guidance: This is a count of children, NOT parents. Each child may be counted only once.

When a family receives care for more than one reason (e.g., the parent works and is in a training program), count only the activity in which the parent (or child, in the case of protective services) spends the most time and is the primary reason for needing subsidized child care. Element 4 entries should be unduplicated counts.

When a child changes the reason for needing care during the report period, report the reason as of the end of the report period (or date of exit from the program).

Example 1: A child received care in 10/00 because of her parents' employment. From 11/00 through 9/01 child care was provided because the child was in protective services. Count the child in line 4c only.

NOTE: Each Tribal Lead Agency defines the terms "working, " "job training and educational program," and "protective services" in Appendix 2 of its Tribal Plan Preprint.

When data are applicable but not available, provide a footnote in the comment section explaining when the missing data will be submitted.

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