Assistive Technology

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Manuals for Program Reviews of Assistive Technology Programs

Under section 4 of the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended (AT Act), the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) provides a grant to all fifty states and six territories to maintain comprehensive statewide programs that increase access to, acquisition of, and knowledge about assistive technology (AT) devices and services for targeted individuals and entities. These programs are referred to as Statewide AT Programs. RSA assesses compliance with the requirements of the AT Act, EDGAR, and OMB Circulars through the State Plan for AT, data collection and reporting, annual financial status reports (SF-269s), and an in-depth review called a Program Review. A Program Review verifies that a grantee is conducting its Statewide AT Program as described in its State Plan for AT, is adhering to the assurances provided in its State Plan for AT, is managing and implementing its grant using accepted practices and consistent with the intent of the AT Act, and is accurately providing data about its grant. This manual describes the process used for verification.

  • Manual for Program Reviews of the State Grant for Assistive Technology Program under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as Amended
    download files MS Word (310 KB) | PDF (383 KB)
    Updated as of November 1, 2008

  • Manual for Program Reviews of the Alternative Financing Program under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998
    download files MS Word (488KB) | PDF (318 KB)
    Updated as of November 1, 2008

  • Manual for Program Reviews of the Access to Telework Program under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended
    download files MS Word (497 KB) | PDF (337 KB)
    Updated as of November 1, 2008

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State's Annual Progress Report to RSA

Grantees report progress on an annual basis to RSA on the ATAPR form. Beginning in October 2009, grantees will have the ability to submit their annual performance reports on-line using the RSA-MIS.

  • More information about the RSA-MIS

  • RSA-ATAPR Instructions -
    download files MS Word (673KB)

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Assistive Technology State Plans for 2006

The Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended requires states to submit an application in order to receive funds under the State Grants for AT Program. RSA requires this application to be in the form of a three-year State Plan for Assistive Technology (State Plan for AT or State Plan), covering the period Oct. 1, 2005, to Sept. 30, 2008. State Plans for AT describe how states will implement their Statewide AT Program. During this three-year period covered by the plan, a state may be required to submit amendments and updates. Read the State Plans for 2006.

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Annual Reports to Congress

Both the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (AT Act of 1998) and the Assistive Technology Act of 2004, as amended (AT Act of 2004) require that the Secretary of Education submit to Congress a report on the activities funded under those respective acts. These documents report on the activities of two programs authorized under the AT Act of 1998 and AT Act of 2004:

  1. State Grants for Assistive Technology (AT), which provides grants for state programs designed to increase access to and acquisition of AT for individuals with disabilities; and

  2. Alternative Financing Programs (AFP), which provides grants to support loan programs that help individuals with disabilities purchase AT devices and services.

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Last Modified: 01/05/2009

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