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Asbestos in Air Duct Image

General Description

The removal or management in place of asbestos has to be considered whenever renovation or demolition activities and when materials that commonly contain asbestos are disturbed during maintenance activities (i.e. insulation around boilers). Prior to renovation or demolition it is vital to determine if the asbestos at your facility is regulated under the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollution. Review NESHAP guidance here.

Summary of Federal Requirements

Renovation Demolition

The Federal EPA regulations on the demolition of asbestos-containing structures apply to facilities that are demolishing structures containing:

  • at least 80 linear meters (260 linear feet) of RACM on pipes, or
  • at least 15 m2 (160 ft2) of RACM on other components, or
  • at least 1 m3 (35 ft3) off facility components.

The Federal EPA regulations on the renovation of asbestos-containing structure apply to facilities renovating structures and stripping or removing:

  • at least 80 linear meters (260 linear feet) of RACM on pipes, or
  • at least 15 m2 (160 ft2) of friable asbestos on other facility components, and
  • at least 1 m3 (35 ft3) off facility components.

Federal facilities must notify the EPA (or state if it has primacy) with written notice of intent to demolish or renovate at least 10 working days before demolition begins and as early as possible before renovation begins. Notification is also required if the facility is demolishing a structure with RACM of less than 80 linear meters (260 linear feet) on pipes and less than 15 m2 (160 ft2) on other facility components and less than 1 m3 (35 ft3) off facility components.

No RACM shall be stripped, removed, or otherwise handled or disturbed unless at least one onsite representative trained in asbestos removal is present.

During the process of renovation or demolition, emissions of asbestos must be controlled. Typically control involves wetting of the regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM) and careful handling. The requirements for exhaust ventilation, air cleaning, segregation of the area undergoing renovation or demolition are prescribed based on the amount of asbestos involved, the temperature, and the activity occurring.

When a structure is demolished by intentional burning, all RACM, including Category I and II nonfriable ACM, must be removed.

Federal facilities must not discharge any visible emissions to the outside air during the collection, processing (including incineration), packaging, or transporting of any asbestos-containing waste material generated by the source, or uses one of the following emission control and waste treatment methods:

  • adequately wet asbestos-containing waste material as follows:

    • mix control device asbestos waste to form a slurry; adequately wet other asbestos-containing waste material
    • discharge no visible emissions to the outside air from collection, mixing, wetting, and handling operations, or use the methods specified by 40 CFR 61.152 to clean emissions containing particulate asbestos material before they escape to, or are vented to, the outside air
    • after wetting, seal all asbestos-containing waste material in leak-tight containers while wet; or, for materials that will not fit into containers without additional breaking, put materials into leak-tight wrapping
    • for asbestos-containing waste in leak-tight containers or leak-tight wrapping, label the containers or wrapped materials using the following warning labels that are printed in letters of sufficient size and contrast so as to be readily visible and legible


    • for asbestos-containing waste material to be transported off the facility site, label containers or wrapped materials with the name of the waste generator and the location at which the waste was generated.

  • process asbestos-containing waste material into nonfriable forms as follows:
    • form all asbestos-containing waste material into nonfriable pellets or other shapes
    • discharge no visible emissions to the outside air from collection and processing operations, including incineration, or use the method specified by 40 CFR 61.152 (see checklist item T2.5.9.US) to clean emissions containing particulate asbestos material before they escape to, or are vented to, the outside air
    • for facilities demolished where the RACM is not removed prior to demolition or for facilities demolished according to 40 CFR 61.145(c)(9) adequately wet asbestos-containing waste material at all times after demolition and keep wet during handling and loading for transport to a disposal site (NOTE: Asbestos-containing waste materials covered by this paragraph do not have to be sealed in leak-tight containers or wrapping but may be transported and disposed of in bulk)
    • use an alternative emission control and waste treatment method that has received prior approval by the Administrator.
(NOTE: The above requirements for the emission control and waste treatment methods for asbestos from renovation or demolition do not apply to Category I nonfriable ACM waste and Category II nonfriable ACM waste that did not become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.)

Asbestos-containing waste material must be disposed of at an approved landfill or at USEPA-approved site that converts RACM and asbestos-containing waste material into nonasbestos (asbestos-free) material.

Summary of State Requirements

States may require additional certification or licensing of removal personnel or firms. State may require additional labeling or additional measures to minimize the release of asbestos fibers.

State-by-state guidance concerning asbestos can be found at CICA's Asbestos State Resource Locator and at ENVCAPs State-by-State Asbestos Resource Locator.

Laws and Statutes

Clean Air Act
Toxic Substances Control Act

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Regulatory Sources
40 CFR 60.150 through 60.154
Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources

40 CFR 61.145
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

State Asbestos Guidance
State-by-State information on asbestos.

EPA Asbestos Materials Bans: Clarification

Common Questions on the Asbestos NESHAP

Asbestos Self-Audit Checklist for the Construction Industry
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Last Updated: February 13, 2008