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Air Emission Sources


Air Emissions Image Overview

Common sources of regulated air emissions are: heating and cooling systems, degreasers, steam generators (i.e., boilers), motor vehicles, turbines, wastewater treatment works, incinerators and fuel dispensing. The Clean Air Act Section 118(a) requires that each agency and employee of the Federal government comply with all Federal, State, interstate and local requirements respecting the control and abatement of air pollution in the same manner and the same extent as any non-governmental entity. Many common sources of air pollutants at Federal facilities burn fossil fuels, resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide, a pollutant which, according to the Energy Information Administration, is still on the increase in our air.

Focus Areas

Air Conditioning/Refrigeration
The operation and maintenance of air conditioning systems (i.e. chillers) and refrigeration systems for buildings.

The operation and maintenance of heating (i.e., boilers/steam generators systems for buildings.

Any device or piece of equipment that is used to clean or remove soils from any surface.

Fuel Dispensing
The distribution of fuel into motor vehicles from fueling pumps.

An incinerator is generally defined as any furnace used in the process of burning solid waste for the purpose of reducing the volume of the waste by removing combustible matter. Emissions of concern include particulates and potentially harmful pollutants depending on what is being burned.

Motor Vehicles
In metropolitan areas vehicles may have to undergo emissions testing and get a sticker proving they have done so.

Depending on the location of the source and what the source emits, permits to construct and/or operate sources of air emissions are needed. Operating permits may be referred to as a Title V permit.

At this time, USEPA regulated turbines include a simple cycle gas turbine, regenerative cycle gas turbine, or any gas turbine portion of a combined cycle steam/electric generating system that is not self-propelled. It may be mounted on a vehicle for portability.

Wastewater Treatment Works
NESHAPS standards have been established for both industrial and nonindustrial POTWs.

Wood Burning Stoves
The operation and maintenance of wood burning stoves for the generation of heat.

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Last Updated: February 25, 2008