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EPA R4 UST Workshop - Atlanta/March 20-21, 2008


Workshop Registration Closed

Thank you for your interest in attending the Region 4 federal UST workshop to be held March 20-21, 2008 in Atlanta, GA. Registration for this session is now closed but a waiting list has been established in the event of cancellations.

Applicants who register after January 31, 2008 will be placed on the waiting list and will be contacted if space becomes available.

Registration Form

Required fields are highlighted in gray and followed by an asterisk (*).

First Name * ?
Last Name * ?
Title ?
E-Mail * ?
E-Mail Confirm * ?
Agency/Department * ?
Mailing Address * ?
Phone * ?

Form Verification
The following verification is being used to help minimize automated SPAM submissions.


If, after registering, you will not be able to attend, please send us an email identifying the workshop from which you are withdrawing at: ust-workshop@www.fedcenter.gov.

More Information

For questions/additional information, please contact the federal facility UST workshop contact in the EPA region where your workshop will take place.

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Last Updated: January 31, 2008