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EPA R2 Workshop - Princeton/Nov 13-14, 2007



Participation in the U.S. EPA workshop "Improving Environmental Compliance and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) at Federal Labs" is free and limited to Federal employees. In most situations, federal contractors working at federal laboratories may also attend – please check with specific workshop contacts (FFPM's) to see if this is possible. If you are a member of the Federal community and would like to attend this workshop, please complete the registration form below for the location you would like to attend. Because space is limited, advance registration is required, and is on a first come first served basis. Accepted registrants will receive an email confirmation and additional information about the workshop location and other meeting logistics. Proper identification will be required for entrance at all workshop locations.

Registration Form

  • Required fields are highlighted in gray and followed by an asterisk (*).

  • First Name * ?
    Last Name * ?
    Title ?
    E-Mail * ?
    E-Mail Confirm * ?
    Agency/Department * ?
    Mailing Address * ?
    Phone * ?
    EMS Training Needed ?
    P2 Training Needed ?
    Reg Compl Training Needed ?

    Form Verification
    The following verification is being used to help minimize automated SPAM submissions.


    If, after registering, you will not be able to attend, please send us an email identifying the workshop from which you are withdrawing at: labs-workshop@www.fedcenter.gov.

    More Information

    For questions/additional information, please contact the federal facility labs workshop POC in the EPA region where your workshop will take place.

    Diane Buxbaum
    US EPA Region 2
    New York, NY 10007
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    Last Updated: June 05, 2007