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Director's Office

Center for Animal Disease
Information and Analysis

Center for Emerging

National Center for Animal
Health Surveillance

Program Support and

About Us

The CEAH Mission

CEAH produces timely, factual information and knowledge about animal health. With a view to the future, CEAH explores and analyzes animal health and related agricultural issues to facilitate informed decision-making in government and industry. CEAH also partners with the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE) and its member countries to improve international disease surveillance capabilities and analytic methods supporting trade decisions. CEAH has a multidisciplinary staff that includes agricultural economists, spatial analysts, GIS and computer specialists, veterinary epidemiologists, technical writers/editors, and data managers. In order to accomplish our mission, we:

  • Partner with our customers and colleagues to provide quality and timely products, services, and support.
  • Promote individual growth and encourage creativity.
  • Continually research the benefits of new technology.
  • Remain responsive to a changing global environment and its opportunities.
  • Expand our customer base in animal health and actively seek new clients within the APHIS community.
  • Support international trade and emergency responsiveness.
  • Motivate our team.

CEAH Organizational Chart

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Animal Health Surveillance

Emerging Animal
Health Issues

GIS Services and Products

Impact Worksheets on
Animal Health Events

Animal Health Studies

Animal Health

Risk Analysis

VS Database Applications