U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Spellings Announces States Approved to Use Differentiated Accountability at ECS Forum in Austin, Texas (Jul 1, 2008)
See caption below.
Secretary Spellings addresses the Education Commission of the States (ECS) National Forum on Education Policy in Austin, Texas, where she announced the approval of six states—Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio—to use the Differentiated Accountability Pilot Program. The program is aimed at helping states differentiate between underperforming schools in need of dramatic interventions and those that are closer to meeting the goals of No Child Left Behind.

Secretary Spellings addresses the Education Commission of the States (ECS) National Forum on Education Policy in Austin, Texas, where she announced the approval of six states -- Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio -- to use the Differentiated Accountability Pilot Program.  The program is aimed at helping states differentiate between underperforming schools in need of dramatic interventions and those that are closer to meeting the goals of No Child Left Behind.  

See press release and Secretary's remarks

See other photo essays

Last Modified: 7/2/2008