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publications > water resources investigations > report 00-4251

Simulation of Ground-Water Discharge to Biscayne Bay, Southeastern Florida

Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4251

By Christian D. Langevin

Prepared as part of the
U.S. Geological Survey Place-Based Studies Program
and in cooperation with
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Simulation of GW Discharge
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
PDF Version


As part of the Place-Based Studies Program, the U.S. Geological Survey initiated a project in 1996, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to quantify the rates and patterns of submarine ground-water discharge to Biscayne Bay. Project objectives were achieved through field investigations at three sites (Coconut Grove, Deering Estate, and Mowry Canal) along the coastline of Biscayne Bay and through the development and calibration of variable-density, ground-water flow models. Two-dimensional, vertical cross-sectional models were developed for steady-state conditions for the Coconut Grove and Deering Estate transects to quantify local-scale ground-water discharge patterns to Biscayne Bay. A larger regional-scale model was developed in three dimensions to simulate submarine ground-water discharge to the entire bay. The SEAWAT code, which is a combined version of MODFLOW and MT3D, was used to simulate the complex variable-density flow patterns.

Field data suggest that ground-water discharge to Biscayne Bay relative to the shoreline is restricted to within 300 meters at Coconut Grove, 600 to 1,000 meters at Deering Estate, and 100 meters at Mowry Canal. The vertical cross-sectional models, which were calibrated to the field data using the assumption of steady state, tend to focus ground-water discharge to within 50 to 200 meters of the shoreline. With homogeneous distributions for aquifer parameters and a constant-concentration boundary for Biscayne Bay, the numerical models could not reproduce the lower ground-water salinities observed beneath the bay, which suggests that further research may be necessary to improve the accuracy of the numerical simulations. Results from the cross-sectional models, which were able to simulate the approximate position of the saltwater interface, suggest that longitudinal dispersivity ranges between 1 and 10 meters, and transverse dispersivity ranges from 0.1 to 1 meter for the Biscayne aquifer.

three-dimensional diagram showing conceptual hydrologic model
[larger image]
The three-dimensional, regional-scale model was calibrated to ground-water heads, canal baseflow, and the general position of the saltwater interface for nearly a 10-year period from 1989 to 1998. The mean absolute error between observed and simulated head values is 0.15 meter. The mean absolute error between observed and simulated baseflow is 3 x 105 cubic meters per day. The position of the simulated saltwater interface generally matches the position observed in the field, except for areas north of the Miami Canal where the simulated saltwater interface is located about 5 kilometers inland of the observed saltwater interface. Results from the regional-scale model suggest that the average rate of fresh ground-water discharge to Biscayne Bay for the 10-year period (1989-98) is about 2 x 105 cubic meters per day for 100 kilometers of coastline. This simulated discharge rate is about 6 percent of the measured surface-water discharge to Biscayne Bay for the same period. The model also suggests that nearly 100 percent of the fresh ground-water discharge is to the northern half of Biscayne Bay, north of the Cutler Drain Canal. South of the Cutler Drain Canal, coastal lowlands prevent the water table from rising high enough to drive measurable quantities of ground water to Biscayne Bay. Annual variations in sea-level elevation, which can be as large as 0.3 meter, have a substantial effect on rates of ground-water discharge. During 1989-98, simulated rates of ground-water discharge to Biscayne Bay generally are highest when sea level is relatively low.

Conversion Factors, Abbreviations, and Datum

Multiply By To obtain
centimeter 0.3937 inch
centimeter per year 0.3937 inch per year
meter 3.2808 foot
meter per day 3.2808 foot per day
square meter 10.7636 square foot
square meter per day 10.7636 square foot per day
cubic meter 35.3134 cubic foot
cubic meter per day 35.3134 cubic foot per day
cubic meter per day 4.0872 x 10-4 cubic foot per second
cubic meter per day 264.2 gallon per day
kilometer 0.6214 mile
kilogram 2.2046 pound
kilogram per cubic meter 0.0624 pound per cubic foot

Abbreviations used for dimensions
M Mass
L Length
T Time

Sea level: In this report, "sea level" refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 -- a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929.

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District Chief
U.S. Geological Survey
Suite 3015
227 N. Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Copies of this report can be
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U.S. Geological Survey
Branch of Information Services
Box 25286
Denver, CO 80225-0286

Additional information about water resources in Florida is available on the World Wide Web at

Related information:

SOFIA Project: Ground-Water Discharge to Biscayne Bay

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