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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Digital Maps from the CEC's Ecological Regions of North America Report

Ecoregl1.zip - Level I Map (Arc/Info export format)



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All files are compressed to facilitate downloading. Please note that these files are preliminary digital versions of the maps. Final versions will be available in the near future.
Projection information for both levels I and II is as follows:

Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection
Central meridian: -100°00'00"
Central parallel: 45°00'00"
Radius of the sphere of reference:
6,370,997 meters

The scale for both maps is 1:10,000,000(...)

File Specifications

File name:

File size:
1 MB

Date published:


 Digital Maps from the CEC's Ecological Regions of North America Report
Ecoregl1.zip - Level I Map (Arc/Info export format)



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