Department of Public Health & Human Services

Public Health & Safety Division             

Family & Community Health Bureau

What We Do

The Family and Community Health Bureau offers programs and services to improve the health of Montana’s women, children and families.

NEW 2008 Family Health Advisory Council Report

2008 Spring Public Health Conference

2009 Spring Public Health Conference

Family and Community Health Bureau Brochure

To promote and improve the health and safety of Montana’s women, men,children, and families.

Target Populations
Children and Youth ages 1-21
Pregnant Women
Women of Child Bearing Age

Programs and Services

Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Coordination Section
o Local MCH Service Contracts
o MCH Performance Measurements
o Oral Health

Infant Child & Maternal Health Section (ICMHS)
o Public Health Home Visiting to At-Risk Pregnant Women and Families
o Fetal, Infant and Child Mortality Review, Including SIDS Support
o Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Prevention

Nutrition/WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
o WIC Services
o Nutrition Education for WIC Participants
o Breastfeeding Support
o WIC Farmer’s Market

Women’s and Men’s Health
o Family Planning Services
o Teen Pregnancy Prevention
o Unintended Pregnancy Reduction
o Women’s Health Services
o Coordination with HHS Office of Women’s Health

Children's Special Health Services

o Specialty Clinic Services
o Resource & Referral
o Financial Assistance
o System of Care Support

o Newborn Metabolic Screening
o Newborn Hearing Screening
o Genetics Services Contracting

Local Partners

Local Heath Departments
Family Planning Programs
WIC Clinics
Public Health Nurses
Family Practice Providers
Medical Specialists
School Health Staff
Community Health Centers

Funding Sources

Federal Sources $19 million
 Maternal & Child Health Block Grant (Title V)

  Montana MCH Block Grant Narrative submitted 09-19-2008

  Montana MCH Block Grant Forms Submitted 09-19-2008
 Family Planning (Title X)
 Preventive Health Block Grant
 Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

State Sources $1.1 million
 Genetics Program
 Public Health Home Visiting (MIAMI)

Priority Areas

FCHB will partner with the public health stakeholders throughout the state to address the following priority areas as they relate to the MCH population.

  • Environmental Health
  • Family and Community Health Bureau Capacity Development
  • Family Support and Education
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • Nutrition and Obesity Prevention
  • Promotion of Preventive and Accessible Health Care
  • Reproductive and Sexual Health
  • Unintentional Injuries


Bureau Chief
Jo Ann Walsh Dotson
Phone: 406-444-4743

Maternal & Child Health Data Coordination Section
Ann Hagen-Buss
Phone: 406-444-4119

Infant Child & Maternal Health Section
Deborah Henderson
Phone: 406-444-2794

Joan Bowsher
Phone: 406-444-4747

Women & Men’s Health
Colleen Lindsay
Phone: 406-444-3775

Children's Special Health Services
Denise Brunett
Phone: 406-444-3617