The Library of Congress

Collection Connections

Creative Americans: Portraits by Carl Van Vechten, 1932-1964

U.S. HistoryCritical ThinkingArts & Humanities

 summary of resources related to the collection

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Creative Americans: Portraits by Van Vechten, 1932-1964, features portraits of famous literary figures, artists, and celebrities, many of whom were prominent in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s. The collection includes portraits of Salvador Dali, William Faulkner, Dizzy Gillespie, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Mahalia Jackson, Leontyne Price, Man Ray, and hundreds of others.

 historical eras
These historical era(s) are best represented in the collection, although they may not be all-encompassing.

The Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
Postwar United States, 1945-early 1970s

 related collections and exhibits
These collections and exhibits contain thematically-related primary and secondary sources. Also browse the Collection Finder for more related material on the American Memory Web site.

African American Odyssey
American Life Histories, 1936-1940
Architecture and Interior Design for 20th Century America, 1935-1955
California Gold: Folk Music from the Thirties, 1938-1940
FSA/OWI Photographs, 1935-1945
The New Deal Stage: Federal Theater Project, 1935-1939
Photographs from the Golden Age of Jazz
Washington As It Was, 1923-1959
Words and Deeds in American History

 other resources
Recommended additional sources of information.

African American Mosaic
Read More About It! - A bibliography

 search tips
Specific guidance for searching this collection.

The photographs in this collection are indexed by the name of the person photographed. For a list of people pictured in the collection, go to the Creative Americans: Portraits by Van Vechten Subject Index.

For help searching the collection for photographs of writers, artists, musicians, and other occupations, use the Creative Americans: Portraits by Van Vechten Occupational Index.

For help with search words, go to the Synonym List.

For help with search strategies, see Finding Items in American Memory.

 viewing tips

No special viewers are needed to see most of the photographs in this collection. To see high-resolution archival quality images, you may need a special viewer. For help with viewers, go to American Memory Viewer Information.

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Last updated 09/26/2002