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Volume 9, Number 9, September 2003

Automated, Laboratory-based System Using the Internet for Disease Outbreak Detection, the Netherlands

Marc-Alain Widdowson,*†Arnold Bosman,† Edward van Straten,† Mark Tinga,† Sandra Chaves,† Liesbeth van Eerden,† and Wilfred van Pelt†
*European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology and Training, Bilthoven, the Netherlands; and †National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands

Figure 3.
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Figure 3. Graph showing sharp increase of weekly totals (week of sampling) of syphilis diagnoses (black line) exceeding the 99% threshold (red line). Arrow (week 9) marks when submitted laboratory reports resulted in signal generation and subsequent investigation.


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This page last reviewed August 6, 2003

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention